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在不同的時代中,人們總用著自己的方法傳遞、並記錄歷史,直到學科劃分嚴明的當代,不僅將歷史無形的劃分出「學院」與「大眾」,文字更成為了學院記錄歷史的主要方式。不過其他的媒介例如影像、聲音等,也是同樣有效,且具有歷史傳統的敘事方式,卻較少見於學術領域。不過相較於學院記錄歷史的方式較為單一,大眾認識歷史的媒介則相對多元,如何使其間的溝通管道更加無礙,歷史學門應該要勇敢的嘗試不同媒介。 這樣的想法支持了我進行「歷史音樂創作」,承襲以「音樂」講述歷史的悠久傳統,輔以其易於傳播、可承載情感等特點,搭配學院研究歷史的嚴謹方法,進行藝術性的音樂創作,並希望以此搭起歷史在學院與大眾間的橋樑,除了能更有效地進行歷史推廣,亦可以此次研究的成果,為未來的研究者提供除了文字以外,另一有效的歷史書寫方法。 本論文有兩個主要的呈現,其一為今年(2018)於臺師大禮堂舉辦之全創作歷史音樂會「你敢有聽著歷史咧唱歌?」,以及紙本論文〈可能有一工——用音樂寫臺灣歷史〉。本文是「歷史音樂創作」的論述,說明為何會走一條不一樣的歷史之路,以及自己進行音樂創作的方法和內容,並其中的心路歷程。
People had always been using their own methods to pass down and record history in different eras until the contemporary era with clear division between academic disciplines that not only divided history into the “academic” and the “public” imperceptibly, but also made written language the primary method of recording history. However, other media such as image and sound that are equally effective and possess historical and traditional narrative methods are seldom seen in academic sector. Nevertheless, media that introduce the public to history are relatively diverse comparing to academic’ unitary method of recording history. History discipline should dare to experience different media for a more open line of communication between them. This kind of thinking supported me to carry out “historical music creation”. Following the long tradition of telling history by music with its ease of dissemination and emotion-bearing characteristics, I conducted artistic music creation with rigorous academic research methods of history in the hope to bridge its gap between the academic and the public. Doing so not only can promote history more effectively, but also provide another effective historical writing method apart from written language for future researchers. The thesis has two main presentations. One of them was the historical music concert “Do You Hear the History Sing?” held in the National Taiwan Normal University’s auditorium this year (2018). The other one is the hard copy thesis “Perhaps One Day – Writing Taiwanese History with Music”. This paper discusses “historical music creation”, explains the reasons for a different path to history, as well as the author’s methods and content of music creation and psychological journey.



歷史, 音樂創作, 歷史敘事, 藝術, history, music creation, historical narrative, art





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