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本研究旨在探討創造力發展課程(以台灣師大教育學院「創造力發展碩士學分班」課程為例)對在職教師創造知能、創造傾向及創意生活之改變,並於課程結束後,追蹤此課程對其個人成長及專業成長的影響。研究者以十一位參與本課程(共五門課程)之在職教師為主要研究對象,以「量化研究為主,質性資料為輔」之研究方式,將研究分為兩部分:第一部份採前實驗設計的「單組前—後測實驗設計」,進行創造力發展課程之教學實驗研究,為期一個學期,以t考驗及Cohen效果值檢驗實驗效果。第二部分採用問卷訪談方式進行後續追蹤調查。於追蹤過程中,研究者亦訪談三位在職教師任教之班級學生(共十一位),以蒐集研究所需之質性資料。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、教師參與本課程後,於「創造力教育專題討論」及「創造思考技法專題研究」兩門課程自我評量表上的得分呈顯著性成長,且於效果量上呈現出大效果。 二、教師參與本課程後,於「威廉斯創造性傾向量表」中之冒險性、好奇性、挑戰性及總分等四向度得分有顯著性成長且於效果量上呈現出大效果。想像力向度雖未達到統計上的顯著差異,然而亦呈現出小效果。 三、教師參與本課程後,於「創意生活經驗量表」中之科學創新的問題解決、表演藝術創新、生活風格的變化、製造意外驚喜及舊瓶新裝等五向度上均有顯著成長;就效果量而言,製造意外驚喜及舊瓶新裝等兩向度呈現大效果,科學的創新的問題解決、表演藝術創新、生活風格的變化等三向度呈現中效果。此外,視覺生活設計向度雖然沒有達到顯著成長,但其效果量為中效果。 四、在職教師認為本課程對個人的主要影響為:「提昇對創造力的認識」、「了解創意的核心元素」、「擴展生活經驗及提昇EQ」、「能透過多元思考解決問題」、「與親人間的互動模式更多樣化」。 五、對教職工作的影響則可分為兩部分:教學及行政。對教學工作的主要影響是:「提昇教學上的自我反思能力」、「教學策略更多元」、「勇於嘗試創新教學」、「鼓勵學生從不同面向思考」及「提供學生較多嘗試的機會」。對行政工作的主要影響是:「於例行性行政工作中帶點變化」及「與實習老師分享所學」。有趣的是,三位在職教師班上的學生則大多反應教師在「處理師生間不同想法之方式」、「提供更多的機會讓學生思考多元的問題解決方式或透過開放性的問題發問」及「鼓勵學生提出不同想法」等三向度上並無明顯改變。 研究者亦提及在參與觀察中的一些發現,最後並綜合提出本研究之限制、對師資培育及未來研究之建議。
Creativity Development Program (CDP) for in-service teachers is the first master–level creativity program in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to assess its effect on teachers’ creativity knowledge, creativity preference, creativity life and their personal and professional growth. A single-group pre- and post-test experimental design was conducted along with an in-depth interview. The subjects comprised 11 teachers of primary and secondary schools. “Self-assessment Scales” was used to assess the effect of the two courses, “Topics in Creativity Education” and “Creative Thinking Skills”. Meanwhile, “Test of Divergent Feeling” and “Creative Life Experiences Scale” were pre- and post-administered to all subjects. The collected data were analyzed by repeated t-test and Cohen’s effect size (ES). The major findings of the study were as the following: 1. After completing the program, the in-service teachers’ post-test self-assessment scores of the above two courses were significantly and positively higher than pre-test scores, both showed very large impacts as well. 2. After completing the program, the in-service teachers’ post-test scores of Divergent Feeling, including total score and curiosity, complexity, and risk taking, were significantly and positively higher than pre-test scores, both showed very large impacts as well. Although “imagination” didn’t reach a significant difference level, it still showed a small effect. 3. After completing the program, the in-service teachers’ post-test scores of Creative Life Experiences, including “scientific and innovative problem solving”, “life style changes” and “making surprise and transforming the old into the new one”, were significantly and positively higher than pre-test scores. Moreover, “making surprise” and “transforming the old into the new one” showed large effects; “scientific and innovative problem solving”, “innovation of performance” and “life style changes” showed moderate effects. Although “design of visual living” did not reach a significant difference level, it still showed a moderate effect. 4. The program had positive influence on in-service teachers’ personal growth, namely, ”improvement of creativity knowledge”, “understanding the key-factors of creativity”, “expansion of life experience and improvement of EQ”, “ solving problems through different thinking” and ”greater variety of ways interacting with relatives”. 5. The influence of the program for in-service teachers’ professional growth could be divided into two parts: teaching and administration. In teaching, the influence were: ”improvement of self-reflective thinking of teaching”, “greater variety of teaching methods”, “more brave to try a creative teaching”, “encouraging students to think via different methods” and “providing students more opportunities of attempts”. In administration, the influence were: ”greater variety of routine administrative work” and “ sharing what have learned with student teachers”. However, on the other hand, most students interviewed did not feel significant changes of their teachers (n=3) on the three facets: “the methods on handling different thinking between teachers and students”, “providing opportunities for students for solving problems diversely and asking through open-ended question” and “encouraging students to think differently”. Besides, the researcher, as a participating observer, provides some personal findings related to the implementation of the program. Finally, the limitations of this study, implications for teacher education, and suggestions for future studies are discussed.







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