舞動人生 大臺北地區國小學童運動舞蹈參與動機與社會支持之研究

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本研究旨在了解國小學童運動舞蹈社團之參與背景、參與動機及社會支持之現況,比較不同背景變項之國小學童參與運動舞蹈社團之參與動機與社會支持之差異情形,並探討國小學童參與運動舞蹈社團參與動機與社會支持之間的關係。本研究以大臺北地區312位國小中高年級參與運動舞蹈學童為研究對象,進行調查,並以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、典型相關分析等統計分析方法進行資料分析,所得結論如下: 一、國小學童參與運動舞蹈社團以高年級女性、參加時間一年以上未滿兩年、每周練習時間2~6小時、父母親未參與過運動舞蹈、有參與過比賽及表演為主要群體。 二、國小學童參與運動舞蹈社團參與動機多以成就需求為主,社會支持主要來源為教練支持。 三、國小學童運動舞蹈社團參與動機與社會支持因年級、性別、參加時間、每周練習時間及是否參與比賽而有所差異。 四、大臺北地區國小學童運動舞蹈參與動機與社會支持為正相關。 基於上述結果,學校社團教練與相關人員可協助學生參與校內外各項活動,藉由社團教練與家長的力量共同合作,成為學員重要之社會支持。建議進一步增加取樣其他地區之國民小學學童,增加質性的研究,以更深入探討國小學童運動舞蹈參與動機與社會支持之關聯性。
The purpose of this study was to examine the current status of participation background, participation motivation and social support for dance sport clubs students in the elementary schools. The differences of participation motivation and social support among demographic variables were to compare and canonical correlation was used to analyze the correlation between participation motivation and social support. The valid samples were 312 junior and senior elementary school students who joined dance sport clubs in greater Taipei area. Descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, t-test and canonical correlation were used for data analysis. Results were: 1. The majority of dance sport club members were senior female students, having 1-2 years of experience in dance sport clubs, 2-6 exercise hours weekly, participated in competition and performance, whose parents never participated in dance sport. 2. Achievement motivation was the main dance sport participation motivation of elementary school and coach was the main social support. 3. Grade, gender, participation years, practice time per week, and whether to participate in competitions showed significant variance on dance sport participation motivation and social support. 4. There was significant positive relationship between participation motivation and social support for elementary school students. Based on the results, school club coaches and related personnels can assist students to participate in intra and extra-curricular activities. Collaboration between coaches and parents would be important social support for students. It was suggested that further studies could involve elementary students from other areas and increase qualitative researches so that in-depth exploration of the correlation between dance sport participation motivation and social support for the elementary school students will be available.



國小社團, 運動舞蹈, 參與動機, 社會支持, 國標舞, 拉丁舞, school club, dance sport, participation motivation, social support, ballroom dance, latin dance





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