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本研究之目的為探討運動明星代言人成就表現對消費者認同及消費行為的影響。本研究採用深度訪談法,研究時間為2007年4月,研究對象分三部分:1.運動用品通路商以國內運動用品連鎖店(哈林,尚智,摩曼頓及Washoes)為研究對象。2.消費者以國內最大球鞋討論網站勘履者中徵求自願參與受訪之消費者為研究對象。3. 探討鞋款以詹姆士與布萊恩代言球鞋為研究對象。結論有四點:1.運動明星代言人球星由四類項目組成:球星個人表現、球星個人特殊成就與紀錄、帶領球隊勝利與帶領球隊取得特殊紀錄與頭銜;2.運動明星代言人成就表現可以影響消費者的購買行為及認同;3.運動用品通路商的球鞋銷售策略含一般銷售策略與特殊紀錄達成時所採用之策略,共有八種含舉辦抽籤、特定鞋款無折扣送贈品、合購促銷、送贈品、合購促銷、網站告知促銷公告、自製店頭海報、自製刊物與自製贈品與增加特定款式進貨量以及4.運動明星代言人成就表現與代言球鞋銷售量有直接的影響。
The purposes of this study were to discuss how the retailers constructed promotion strategy to increase the sale of their endorsed sneakers; to understand how performance and achievement of the sport celebrity endorsers affect the consumer’s behaviors and to analyze the features of sport celebrities hired as endorsers by sport brands. The in-depth interview was conducted in this study during April, 2007 with three parts of subjects: 1.domestic sport equipment retailers- Harlem, Momentum, ShanZhi, Washoes, 2. consumers- 6 participants who were selected from the Kenlu.net, a sneaker website with the most popularity, fame and browsed by most people in Taiwan.3.Endorsed sneakers of Lebron James and Kobe Bryant. Results were comprised of four parts: 1. Sport celebrity endorsers’ achievements were made up of personal performance, personal records and achievements, team wins and team records and achievements. 2. Achievements of the sport celebrity endorsers could affect the behavior and identification of consumers. 3. There were eight kind selling strategies that the retailers usually used. 4. Achievements of the sport celebrity endorsers affected the selling of endorsed sneakers directly.
The purposes of this study were to discuss how the retailers constructed promotion strategy to increase the sale of their endorsed sneakers; to understand how performance and achievement of the sport celebrity endorsers affect the consumer’s behaviors and to analyze the features of sport celebrities hired as endorsers by sport brands. The in-depth interview was conducted in this study during April, 2007 with three parts of subjects: 1.domestic sport equipment retailers- Harlem, Momentum, ShanZhi, Washoes, 2. consumers- 6 participants who were selected from the Kenlu.net, a sneaker website with the most popularity, fame and browsed by most people in Taiwan.3.Endorsed sneakers of Lebron James and Kobe Bryant. Results were comprised of four parts: 1. Sport celebrity endorsers’ achievements were made up of personal performance, personal records and achievements, team wins and team records and achievements. 2. Achievements of the sport celebrity endorsers could affect the behavior and identification of consumers. 3. There were eight kind selling strategies that the retailers usually used. 4. Achievements of the sport celebrity endorsers affected the selling of endorsed sneakers directly.
運動明星代言人, 運動明星成就表現, 銷售策略, Sport celebrity endorser, Performance and achievement of the sport celebrity, selling strategies