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中華民國九十六年六月 研究生:游世民
Study on School Sport Team Coaches’ Participative Motivation and Job Satisfaction in Elementary and High Schools Abstract The objective of this research is to explore the relationship between participative motivation and job satisfaction of school team coaches in elementary and high schools. The sample frame is based on the 74 schools in Yilan County. Census sampling was used to conduct the survey for this research. Questionnaires were distributed to collect data. Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, t-test, one-way-anova and canonical correlation analysis were used to analyze the data. The most influential factor of participant motivation is self-growth and the second one is human relationship and need. Self-growth is the most important factor of job satisfaction. The second important factors include job characteristic, satisfaction of equipment and resources and organizational climate. The research findings are: Coaches’ participative motivation and job satisfaction are significantly correlated. Conclusion: Gender, marital status, being an administrant or not and whether joining in trainer programs significantly influence job satisfaction. Keywords: school sport team, coach, participative motivation, job satisfaction
Study on School Sport Team Coaches’ Participative Motivation and Job Satisfaction in Elementary and High Schools Abstract The objective of this research is to explore the relationship between participative motivation and job satisfaction of school team coaches in elementary and high schools. The sample frame is based on the 74 schools in Yilan County. Census sampling was used to conduct the survey for this research. Questionnaires were distributed to collect data. Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, t-test, one-way-anova and canonical correlation analysis were used to analyze the data. The most influential factor of participant motivation is self-growth and the second one is human relationship and need. Self-growth is the most important factor of job satisfaction. The second important factors include job characteristic, satisfaction of equipment and resources and organizational climate. The research findings are: Coaches’ participative motivation and job satisfaction are significantly correlated. Conclusion: Gender, marital status, being an administrant or not and whether joining in trainer programs significantly influence job satisfaction. Keywords: school sport team, coach, participative motivation, job satisfaction
運動代表隊, 教練, 教練參與動機, 教練工作滿足感