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如何更有效率的騎乘自行車一直是研究者與騎乘者所關心的問題,其中使用不同踩踏頻率與齒輪比騎乘時,何種搭配具有最好的騎乘效率至今仍未有明確答案,先前研究多針對專業車手去進行探討,然而一般人在不同模式下騎乘時的踩踏效率與身體晃動造成的能量消耗仍缺乏實證性的科學證據。目的:探討一般人在不同踩踏頻率與齒輪比下騎乘時,對踏板踩踏力量及效率與身體晃動程度的影響。方法:本研究徵招12名健康男性參與者 (非自行車手),並把公路車裝上室內訓練台進行不同踏頻 (60rpm、75rpm、90rpm) 與不同種齒輪比 (53/28、53/23、53/19、53/15、53/12) 之騎乘測試。裝設於公路車左右踏板上之三軸力量感測器量測踩踏力量 (合力&有效力) 與踩踏效率,使用Vicon 3D動作分析系統與測力板分析騎乘時騎乘者與人車系統的質心 (COM) 晃動變化,收取之數據使用雙因子重複量數變異數分析不同模式下騎乘對踩踏效率與身體晃動程度的影響,並用bonferroni法進行事後比較,顯著水準訂為α=.05。結果:所有結果在不同踩踏頻率與不同齒輪比間交互作用未達顯著(p>.05)。踩踏力量的分析上,在不同齒輪比下,重齒輪比(53/12)在踩踏合力、踩踏有效力與踩踏效益皆顯著高於輕齒輪比(53/28或53/23)(p<.05),在不同踩踏頻率下,只有踩踏合力在高踏頻下顯著高於低踏頻。身體晃動與穩定性分析上,騎乘者與人車系統橫向質心晃動程度皆隨踏頻增加有顯著上升,而不同齒輪比下人體COM變化量無顯著差異。結論:對一般人而言,建議使用較重的齒輪比與較低的踩踏頻率,因齒輪比加重能有效的增加踩踏力量的效益,選擇較低的踩踏頻率在騎乘時具有較小的身體晃動,可以減少維持騎乘穩定的能量消耗。
How to ride more efficiently is a question that researchers and coaches have been concerned about for a long time; however, which combination of cadence and gear ratio has the best efficiency still has no clear answer. Many previous studies focused on the pedaling efficiency of professional cyclists. Whereas, the pedal efficiency and energy expenditure from body movement of non-cyclists riding in different modes still lack evidence base. Purpose: To explore the influence of different cadences and different gear ratios on pedaling force, pedaling efficiency and the variety of body movement in non-cyclists. Methods: Twelve healthy male participants (non-cyclists) were involved in this study. A road bike was set on an indoor bike trainers for the cycling test with different cadences (60 rpm, 75 rpm, 90 rpm) and gear ratios (53/28, 53/23, 53/19, 53/15, 53/12). Two 3-axis load cell were installed on the road bike pedal to measure pedaling force (resultant force (RF)& effectiveness force (EF)) and pedaling efficiency. The Vicon 3D motion analysis system and the force-plate were used to analyze the shifting of center of mass (COM) between cyclist and cyclist-bike system. After collecting the data, repeated measured two-way ANOVA was used to detect the differences of pedaling efficiency and the variety of body sway among different cadences and gear ratios of cycling. For post-hoc, bonferroni method was implied, with the significant level set at α = .05.Results: There was no significant interaction between different cadences and gear ratios (p> .05). In the analysis of pedaling force, between different gear ratios, RF, EF and pedal efficiency at the heavy gear ratio (53/12) were significantly higher than the light gear ratio(53/28 or53/23) (p<. 05). In different cadences, RF at high cadence (90rpm) is significantly higher than low cadence (60rpm). For body sway and stability, the lateral axis of COM shifting between cyclists and the cyclist-bike system both increased significantly with the increase of cadence(p<.05).But there was no significant difference in cyclist COM variation from different gear ratios. Conclusion: For non-cyclists, it is recommended to use a higher gear ratio and lower cadence. When gear ratio increases, it effectively increases the efficiency of pedaling. Selecting lower cadence could cause less body movement while cycling, further reducing the energy consumption to maintain stability during cycling.
How to ride more efficiently is a question that researchers and coaches have been concerned about for a long time; however, which combination of cadence and gear ratio has the best efficiency still has no clear answer. Many previous studies focused on the pedaling efficiency of professional cyclists. Whereas, the pedal efficiency and energy expenditure from body movement of non-cyclists riding in different modes still lack evidence base. Purpose: To explore the influence of different cadences and different gear ratios on pedaling force, pedaling efficiency and the variety of body movement in non-cyclists. Methods: Twelve healthy male participants (non-cyclists) were involved in this study. A road bike was set on an indoor bike trainers for the cycling test with different cadences (60 rpm, 75 rpm, 90 rpm) and gear ratios (53/28, 53/23, 53/19, 53/15, 53/12). Two 3-axis load cell were installed on the road bike pedal to measure pedaling force (resultant force (RF)& effectiveness force (EF)) and pedaling efficiency. The Vicon 3D motion analysis system and the force-plate were used to analyze the shifting of center of mass (COM) between cyclist and cyclist-bike system. After collecting the data, repeated measured two-way ANOVA was used to detect the differences of pedaling efficiency and the variety of body sway among different cadences and gear ratios of cycling. For post-hoc, bonferroni method was implied, with the significant level set at α = .05.Results: There was no significant interaction between different cadences and gear ratios (p> .05). In the analysis of pedaling force, between different gear ratios, RF, EF and pedal efficiency at the heavy gear ratio (53/12) were significantly higher than the light gear ratio(53/28 or53/23) (p<. 05). In different cadences, RF at high cadence (90rpm) is significantly higher than low cadence (60rpm). For body sway and stability, the lateral axis of COM shifting between cyclists and the cyclist-bike system both increased significantly with the increase of cadence(p<.05).But there was no significant difference in cyclist COM variation from different gear ratios. Conclusion: For non-cyclists, it is recommended to use a higher gear ratio and lower cadence. When gear ratio increases, it effectively increases the efficiency of pedaling. Selecting lower cadence could cause less body movement while cycling, further reducing the energy consumption to maintain stability during cycling.
騎乘效率, 能量消耗, 騎乘晃動, cycling efficiency, energy consumption, body sway