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The purpose of the study was to understand the current situations of regular students’ and gifted students’ autonomous learning in Taiwan. With different background variables, the differences in regular students’ and gifted students’ autonomous learning were analyzed.Autonomous Learning Questionnaire for Junior High School Students, a questionnaire, was designed for obtaining the data. There were regular students and gifted students from northern, middle, and southern Taiwan chosen as participants. There were 247 valid questionnaires from regular students and 174 valid questionnaires from gifted students. The data were analyzed through statistical methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA. The results of the study were as follows,1.Regular students got an average of 3.55 in intrinsic factors of self-learning and an average of 3.70 in extrinsic factors of self-learning, showing their current autonomous learning situations are most in line with the description. As for the correlation, there were significant correlations between all aspects of autonomous learning’s intrinsic and extrinsic factors.2.Gifted students got an average of 3.82 in intrinsic factors of autonomous learning and an average of 3.92 in extrinsic factors of autonomous learning, showing their current autonomous learning situations are most in line with the description. As for the correlation, there were significant correlations between all aspects of autonomous learning’s intrinsic and extrinsic factors.3.Between different genders, there were significant differences in “strategy” and “teachers’ support”. As for different levels of academic performances, there were significant differences in “motivation”; “competence”; “strategy”; “positive atmosphere”; “teachers’ support”; and “learning adjustment.”4.Between regular and gifted students, there were significant differences in “motivation”; “competence”; “strategy”; “positive atmosphere”; “teachers’ support”; and “learning adjustment.”5.Between all background variables, there were no significant differences in all aspects of gifted students’autonomous learning.Following the results, some suggestions for general education, gifted education, and future researchers were offered.Keywords: Autonomous learning, Gifted students, Self-directed learning, Self-regulated learning



自主學習, 資優學生, 自我導向學習, 自我調整學習, Autonomous learning, Gifted students, Self-directed learning, Self-regulated learning





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