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泰國第一代職業作家沖 • 帕潘,筆名雅可的一生頗具傳奇色彩。他是一名泰北貴族之子,卻從未享受榮華富貴。憑著那部家喻戶曉的《十面威風》一夜爆紅,稿費排在前列,過世後卻未留下多少財產。其一生雖短暫,卻為泰國讀者留下不少文學遺產,其中包括兩部對中國古典文學《三國演義》和《金瓶梅》的重寫——《說書人版三國》和Buppha Nai Kunthi Thong。僅憑此兩部作品,雅可於中國文學在泰傳播方面的貢獻,便已有目共睹,值得對兩部作品展開深入的研究。
透過對比與分析《說書人版三國》和Buppha Nai Kunthi Thong的相關文本,從兩部作品中的古典詩詞引用、教育功能和娛樂性質出發,揭示出雅可效仿華僑說書人以文字說書的有趣特色。並以翻譯研究學者勒菲弗爾 (André Lefevere) 所提出的重寫理論,分析說書人雅可兩部重寫作品背後的約束。
Chote Phraephan, Thailand’s first-generation professional writer, with the pen name “Jacob,” led a life quite extraordinary. He was the son of a northern Thai aristocrat, but never enjoyed the prosperity. He rose to stardom overnight with the phenomenal success of the novel Phu Chana Sip Thit (meaning ‘conqueror of the ten directions’), and after that became one of the highest paid writers of his time, but even so, not much was left of him financially after his death. Although his life was short, Jacob still produced quite a few numbers of literary works, a cultural heritage for the Thai general readers. Among them, two are rewritings of classical Chinese novels – Sanguo Yanyi and Jin Ping Mei, entitled Samkok Chabap Waniphok and Buppha Nai Kunthi Thong. With the two works, the author argues that Jacob is a prominent figure who has made great contribution to the spread of Chinese literature in Thailand. And the two rewritings of classical Chinese literature are worthy of in-depth study. The ingenuity of Samkok Chabap Waniphok and Buppha Nai Kunthi Thong is the role of the overseas Chinese storyteller portrayed by Jacob in the novels. He used his ability to tell stories, a skill adopted unintentionally since childhood, and presented two classical Chinese literature to the Thai readers. The two works have been reprinted many times until now, their importance in Thailand’s literary scene is therefore self-evident. This thesis aims to reveal the interesting features of Jacob’s imitation of overseas Chinese storytellers as reflected in Samkok Chabap Waniphok and Buppha Nai Kunthi Thong. Through the comparison and analysis of the related texts of the two works, it presents the characteristics of Jacob, the storyteller translator, from three aspects, namely citations of classical poetry, educational functions and the entertainment nature of the two works. With the application of translation studies scholar André Lefevere’s rewriting theory, the author analyzes the constraints behind the rewrites of the two classical Chinese novels. The study finds that the factor that had the greatest impact on Jacob was – himself. Which could be categorized under the very broadly defined ideological constraint, and the second was the poetics of the Thai literary world when the text was produced.
Chote Phraephan, Thailand’s first-generation professional writer, with the pen name “Jacob,” led a life quite extraordinary. He was the son of a northern Thai aristocrat, but never enjoyed the prosperity. He rose to stardom overnight with the phenomenal success of the novel Phu Chana Sip Thit (meaning ‘conqueror of the ten directions’), and after that became one of the highest paid writers of his time, but even so, not much was left of him financially after his death. Although his life was short, Jacob still produced quite a few numbers of literary works, a cultural heritage for the Thai general readers. Among them, two are rewritings of classical Chinese novels – Sanguo Yanyi and Jin Ping Mei, entitled Samkok Chabap Waniphok and Buppha Nai Kunthi Thong. With the two works, the author argues that Jacob is a prominent figure who has made great contribution to the spread of Chinese literature in Thailand. And the two rewritings of classical Chinese literature are worthy of in-depth study. The ingenuity of Samkok Chabap Waniphok and Buppha Nai Kunthi Thong is the role of the overseas Chinese storyteller portrayed by Jacob in the novels. He used his ability to tell stories, a skill adopted unintentionally since childhood, and presented two classical Chinese literature to the Thai readers. The two works have been reprinted many times until now, their importance in Thailand’s literary scene is therefore self-evident. This thesis aims to reveal the interesting features of Jacob’s imitation of overseas Chinese storytellers as reflected in Samkok Chabap Waniphok and Buppha Nai Kunthi Thong. Through the comparison and analysis of the related texts of the two works, it presents the characteristics of Jacob, the storyteller translator, from three aspects, namely citations of classical poetry, educational functions and the entertainment nature of the two works. With the application of translation studies scholar André Lefevere’s rewriting theory, the author analyzes the constraints behind the rewrites of the two classical Chinese novels. The study finds that the factor that had the greatest impact on Jacob was – himself. Which could be categorized under the very broadly defined ideological constraint, and the second was the poetics of the Thai literary world when the text was produced.
泰國作家, 雅可, 重寫, 《三國演義》, 《金瓶梅》, 中國文學泰譯, Thai novelist, Jacob, rewriting, Sanguo Yanyi, Jin Ping Mei, Thai translations of Chinese literature