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背景: 人體的足弓在長時間的走路或跑步的情況下對於整體的足壓分佈以及動態穩定扮演著重要的角色。橫弓近年被證實與足部勁度息息相關。然而,市面上的鞋子大多以內側縱弓支撐為主,主要希望能夠透過外在的支撐元件,分散足底所承受的壓力以及在足部活動時給予支撐,使得足部的結構隨時皆能夠維持適當的功能範圍。目的: 一般健康族群,穿著雙足弓支撐元件之鞋墊的研究數量不多,相關的生物力學影響仍有進一步探討的可能性,本研究主要為觀察中長距離跑步前後穿著不同支撐鞋墊對於足底壓力以及足部內旋角速度之變化。方法: 招募13名健康受試者,皆會穿著縱弓支撐鞋墊與雙足弓支撐鞋墊,於跑步機上進行跑步實驗。實驗過程使用心率帶監控受試者心跳,以Pedar-X無線式鞋墊足壓量測系統收取足底壓力資訊,並利用三軸陀螺儀獲取足部蹠骨內旋角速度之數據,最後給予主觀的自覺量表評估穿著感受。結果: 雙足弓支撐鞋墊與縱弓支撐鞋墊相比,在疲勞前後的足部的內旋角速度顯著下降,且在第一蹠骨與腳跟處的壓力峰值、壓力時間積分值顯著下降,第四、五蹠骨處及中足外側的壓力峰值、壓力積分值提高,由自覺量表得到的舒適感受分數,兩雙鞋墊無顯著差異。結論: 透過本研究結果指出雙足弓支撐鞋墊能夠有效的降低人們跑步時足部的內旋角速度,亦能夠有效幫助跑者降低第一蹠骨處及腳跟處的足底壓力,此外,雙足弓支撐鞋墊帶來的舒適感不遜於內側縱弓支撐鞋墊,未來研究、產品設計可朝此方向發展。
Purpose: There are few studies on wearing insoles with transverse arch supported elements, and the related biomechanical effects are still possible to be further explored. This study is mainly to observe the effect of wearing different arch supported insoles on plantar pressure and foot movement before and after prolonged running. Method: Thirteen healthy subjects were recruited. All of them would wear longitudinal arch support insoles and two axial arch supported insoles, performing running experiments on treadmill. Pedar-X insole foot pressure measurement system was used to collect foot pressure data, and gyroscope was used to obtain the foot internal rotation angular velocity data. Comfort perception of footwear would be measured by visual analogue scale. Results: Compared with the longitudinal supported insole, the internal rotation angular velocity of the two axial arch supported insole decreased significantly before and after fatigue. Peak and pressure-time integral value decreased significantly at the first metatarsal head and heel. Conclusion: Two axial arch supported insole might have a better support ability after prolonged running. We highly recommend the shoes manufacturers could be developed products toward this direction.
Purpose: There are few studies on wearing insoles with transverse arch supported elements, and the related biomechanical effects are still possible to be further explored. This study is mainly to observe the effect of wearing different arch supported insoles on plantar pressure and foot movement before and after prolonged running. Method: Thirteen healthy subjects were recruited. All of them would wear longitudinal arch support insoles and two axial arch supported insoles, performing running experiments on treadmill. Pedar-X insole foot pressure measurement system was used to collect foot pressure data, and gyroscope was used to obtain the foot internal rotation angular velocity data. Comfort perception of footwear would be measured by visual analogue scale. Results: Compared with the longitudinal supported insole, the internal rotation angular velocity of the two axial arch supported insole decreased significantly before and after fatigue. Peak and pressure-time integral value decreased significantly at the first metatarsal head and heel. Conclusion: Two axial arch supported insole might have a better support ability after prolonged running. We highly recommend the shoes manufacturers could be developed products toward this direction.
橫弓, 縱弓, 運動裝備, transverse arch, longitudinal arch, sport equipment