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本研究旨在瞭解針對中文初學者的圖文聯想漢字學習方法對CSL的漢字學習成效,並探討創造力對於圖文聯想漢字學習方法之學習效果的影響,亦分析CSL學習者採用自行聯想方式進行漢字學習時,其聯想內容與母語者編製的聯想圖像內容之異同。本研究對象為25名於臺北市招募母語非中文之外籍自願研究參與者。研究所使用的材料係由熊襄瑜、張雨霖、陳學志、邱思潔、王儷君、謝佩珊(2012)所編製的90個直覺式對應式漢字聯想圖像當中,挑選36個目標字做為學習材料。測量工具為研究者採用實驗目標字編製的字形-字義辨識作業,針對研究參與者進行實驗前測、實驗結束之立即後測與一週的延宕後測。另採用陳長益(2006)修訂之陶倫斯創造力測驗成人適用精簡版測量參與者的創造力流暢、原創、變通、精進等指標。研究設計為3x2之二因子混合設計,受試者內因子為漢字學習方法(拼音翻譯、圖文聯想、自行聯想),受試者間因子為受試者的創造力指標高、低分組。研究結果為: 一、漢字學習方法對於CSL學習者漢字學習之立即效果沒有差異,然而在延宕效果則有差異,圖文聯想學習法優於拼音翻譯及學習者自行聯想。此外學習者對於圖文聯想學習法較為喜愛。 二、CSL學習者創造力流暢、原創、變通、精進等指標的高、低,對於漢字學習方法之學習效果無交互作用,亦即漢字學習方法之學習效果不受學習者創造力影響。 三、CSL學習者自行聯想內容與研究者提供的漢字聯想圖像有部分文化上的差異,同時亦有部分具有創意的聯想內容可供後續編製圖像聯想教材參考。 最終研究者根據研究結果,針對CSL的漢字學習的教學方法提出建議。
The aim of this thesis is to explore the learning effects of Character-Graphic Association Strategy to CSL learners and discusses the effects of creativity to the Character-Graphic Association Strategy and learning results. It also compares the difference between the contents associated by CSL learners and developed by native Chinese speakers. Participants were 25 volunteers of non-native Chinese speakers in Taipei city, 14 males and 11 females. Their Chinese abilities were identified by Chinese character recognition task before the experiment. The materials are 36 target Chinese characters, selected out of 90 characters of intuition corresponding formula for Chinese character association pictures (Hsiung, 2012). The measuring tool is the Chinese character graphemics-semantics recognition task. The pretest, immediate and one-week-later delayed posttests were conducted. The Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults revised by Chen (2006) was also applied to measure the creativity, including the indices of fluency, originality, flexibility, and elaboration. The design is 3x2 two-way mixed design, the within-subjects factor is Chinese character learning strategies (Pinyin Translation Strategy, Character-Graphic Association Strategy, and Self-Generated Association Strategy), and the between-subjects factor is the level of creativity (high and low). The main findings are as follows: 1.By the result of immediate posttest, the effects of Chinese character learning strategies are not different to the learning result. However, by the result of delayed posttest, the effect of Character-Graphic Association Strategy is significantly better than Self-Generated Association Strategy. Also, learning by Character-Graphic Association Strategy is favored by most participants. 2.There is no interaction from the level of creativity to Chinese character learning strategies and results. The results of Chinese character learning strategies are not affected by the creativity of participants as well. 3.Some culture differences are found between the contents associated by CSL learners and developed by native Chinese speakers. Some of the self-generated association contents are innovative for further reference of editing Character-Graphic associated materials. Suggestion of Chinese character learning for CSLs is provided according to the results.



漢字學習, 圖文聯想, 創造力, 以中文為第二語言者, Chinese character learning, Character-Graphic Association, Creativity, Chinese as Second Language (CSL)





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