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在強調STEM的未來世代中,數學知能是生活中必備的素養,但學習障礙生因受到自身障礙影響,在數學學習上較為弱勢。因此在規劃學習障礙生數學教學活動時,應該設計具有多樣鷹架且容易引起學生動機的教學方式。近年遊戲式學習蔚為風潮,不少研究指出遊戲式學習有助於提升學生的學習成效與學習動機。尤其以桌上遊戲作為教學媒材,在規則設定、時間長短以及參與人數上都具有高度彈性,非常適合運用於學習障礙生教學。目前國內較少關於學習障礙生透過桌上遊戲學習數學概念的相關研究。因此,本研究以國立臺灣師範大學數學教育中心數學奠基模組─「數戰棋」作為參考,設計出適合學習障礙生操作的因倍數概念桌上遊戲─「百戰方城」作為教學活動媒材。同時探究學習障礙生在參與此桌上遊戲過程中的學習成效、學習動機、心流經驗、遊戲接受度與學習行為模式。本研究採用準實驗設計,共邀請六個國中小學校之24名學習障礙生作為研究對象並分為實驗組和控制組兩組。實驗組採用桌上遊戲進行因倍數概念學習活動,控制組則採用傳統講述式教學進行因倍數概念教學課程。研究結果可歸納為以下五點: 一、針對學習障礙生學習特質所設計之數學桌遊活動,有助於提升 其數學學習成效,且學習成效優於傳統講述式教學。 二、針對學習障礙生學習特質所設計之數學桌遊活動,有助於提升其對數學的學習動機,且學習動機優於傳統講述式教學。 三、針對學習障礙生學習特質所設計之數學桌遊活動,能讓學生具有高度的心流經驗與遊戲接受度等正向情意表現。 四、在本研究遊戲式學習中,學習成效、心流經驗、學習動機與遊戲接受度等依變項,互相具有正相關。 五、遊戲式學習可透過多元鷹架與同儕互動的機制,促進學習障礙生以豐富的學習行為面對數學學習挑戰。 本研究使用行為序列模式分析學生的互動模式,結果發現小組合作的遊戲式學習可幫助學習障礙中小學生溝通互動、集中專注力、增進高層次思考等效益。透過小組合作模式的遊戲式學習,學習障礙生在遊戲中自發性的產生玩家間的溝通互動與鷹架使用,並彼此刺激高層次的邏輯思考。這是本研究非常獨特的發現。本研究最後也將提出未來研究及教學實務的相關建議。
STEM is being emphasized in the upcoming century, indicating the necessary literacy of Mathematical knowledge in our daily life. However, people with learning disabilities are more vulnerable in learning mathematics. Therefore, in order to motivates them to learn mathematics, itis crucial to develop or design various teaching methods with different scaffoldings.In recent years, game-based learning is being promoted and many studies showed that it does help to improve students’ learning effectiveness and motivation. Among all, board games are proved to be the most suitable game-based learning methods for students with learning disabilities. This is because of its flexibility in terms of rules, duration, and number of participants, which can be adjusted to meet the students' needs. Currently, there is little research on how students with learning disabilities learning mathematics concepts using the board games method. Hence, by adapting the module of the Math Chess Board Game.The present study aim to design a factor and multiple concept board game as a teaching medium that suits the needs of the students with learning disabilities to study mathematics concepts. Present study aimed to explore the learning effectiveness, motivations, flow experience, and game acceptance towards the board game, and their learning behavior during the board game play.This study adopts a quasi-experimental design. Twenty-four students were involved to participate in this study. They were divided into the experimental group and the control group. For experimental group, students used the board game method to learn the factor and multiple concepts, while the control group used the traditional lecture teaching style to learn the factor and multiple concepts. Each group took one session of their school hours for the board game.The research results can be summarized as the following:1. Mathematical board game activities designed for students with learning disabilities do improve their mathematical learning effectiveness in the experimental group.2. Mathematical board game activities designed for students with learning disabilities do improve their learning motivation for mathematics in the experimental group.3. Mathematical board game activities designed according to the needs of students with learning disabilities help students to achieve a high level of flow experience and game acceptance in the experimental group.4. This study showed that, for game-based learning, the learning effectiveness, learning motivation, flow experience, and game acceptance are having positive correlation with each other.5. The scaffolding and the interactive mechanism in the game-based learning process encourage the students with learning disabilities to face the challenges in learning mathematics with more proactive learning behaviour.This study used the behavioral sequence model to analyze the students' interaction patterns, and found that the game-based learning of group cooperation can help primary and middle school students with learning disabilities communicate and interact, concentrate, and improve high-level thinking. Through the game-based learning in the group cooperation mode, students with learning disabilities can spontaneously generate communication and interaction between players. And the use of scaffolding in the game can stimulate each other's high-level thinking. This is a very unique finding of this study. The study concludes with recommendations for future research and teaching practice.



遊戲式學習, 桌上遊戲, 因倍數, 學習障礙, game-based learning, boardgames, factor multiple, learning disabilities





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