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遊憩涉入是指參與者從事遊憩活動時的投入程度及其衍生出的整體表現,是瞭解參與者遊憩行為之重要變項;體驗行銷則是基於個別消費者經由參與事件後,感受某些刺激而誘發動機產生思維認同或消費行為,進而增加產品或服務價值。體驗行銷主張產品或服務可以為消費者創造出感官、情感、思考、行動或關聯的經驗。臺灣水域活動如立式划槳、獨木舟等也逐漸成為民眾休閒娛樂活動的熱門選項,本研究旨在探討立式划槳參與者遊憩涉入與體驗行銷之關係,以竹南假日之森濱海遊憩區與新店北勢溪立式划槳參與者為研究對象,透過立意抽樣方式進行問卷調查,回收有效樣本共 103 份,以描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森基差相關分析進行資料處理與分析,研究結果為參與者性別主要為男性,年齡多為 30 歲以下,未婚,以大學專科為主要族群,職業以學生為多,多數無購置任何相關裝備,主要的參與夥伴為同學、朋友及同事,在 2021 年之年參與次數以「4~6 次」為多,月平均花費以「1,000~2,000 元」為主,月平均參與時間以「4~6 小時」為多;不同「性別」、「年齡」、「參與次數」之立式划槳參與者在遊憩涉入與體驗行銷上呈現顯著差異;遊憩涉入與體驗行銷呈現顯著相關。因此,本研究建議業者及活動主辦方應加強宣傳、提高普及性,讓更多人對立式划槳產生好奇,並以其本質為出發點,設計合適壯年族群的體驗方式,例如開辦 SUP 瑜 伽體驗營,在認識這項新興的水域活動之餘還能伸展筋骨,此外,在體驗課程、遊程部分可發揮創意、增加趣味性,能有效提高參與意願之外,圖文分享也能使立式划槳的樂趣更廣為傳播,一舉多得。
Recreation involvement refers to the degree of involvement of participants in recreational activities and their overall performance. Experiential marketing is based on individual consumers' participation in an event that induces certain stimuli and motivates them to think and act in a way that adds value to the product or service. Experiential marketing claims that a product or service can create SENSE, FEEL, THINK, ACT, or RELATE experiences for consumers. In Taiwan, water activities such as stand up paddling (SUP) and canoeing are becoming popular recreational options for the public. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between recreation involvement and experiential marketing of SUP participants. This study conducted purposive sampling, questionnaires were distributed through the researcher's visit to Seaside Forest Recreation area in Zhunan, Miaoli County, and Beishi River in Pinglin, New Taipei City. The results of the study showed that (a) the majority of SUP participants were male, the majority were under the age of 30, un-married, and had diplomas of colleges. The majority were students and hadn't purchased any equipment, and the co- participants were classmates, colleagues, and friends. The majority participated 4-6 times in 2021, and the majority spent 1,000-2,000 NTD and participated 4-6 times per month. (b) There were differences between gender, age, and times of participation in 2021 on the recreational involvement and experiential marketing. (c) The recreation involvement of SUP participants was significantly correlated to experiential marketing. Therefore, this study proposes that owners and event organizers should disseminate more, increasing the popularity, making more people to be curious about stand up paddling. Be-sides, designing suitable ways for prime to experience stand up paddling with the essence as the start point. Such as hosting SUP yoga camps which can stretch muscles and promote this new-developing water-based activity at the same time. In addition, conducting courses and tours in a creative and interesting way can effectively increase the willingness to participate in, and the sharing with pictures and captions can also spread the pleasure of stand up paddling more widely. It's the best of both worlds.
Recreation involvement refers to the degree of involvement of participants in recreational activities and their overall performance. Experiential marketing is based on individual consumers' participation in an event that induces certain stimuli and motivates them to think and act in a way that adds value to the product or service. Experiential marketing claims that a product or service can create SENSE, FEEL, THINK, ACT, or RELATE experiences for consumers. In Taiwan, water activities such as stand up paddling (SUP) and canoeing are becoming popular recreational options for the public. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between recreation involvement and experiential marketing of SUP participants. This study conducted purposive sampling, questionnaires were distributed through the researcher's visit to Seaside Forest Recreation area in Zhunan, Miaoli County, and Beishi River in Pinglin, New Taipei City. The results of the study showed that (a) the majority of SUP participants were male, the majority were under the age of 30, un-married, and had diplomas of colleges. The majority were students and hadn't purchased any equipment, and the co- participants were classmates, colleagues, and friends. The majority participated 4-6 times in 2021, and the majority spent 1,000-2,000 NTD and participated 4-6 times per month. (b) There were differences between gender, age, and times of participation in 2021 on the recreational involvement and experiential marketing. (c) The recreation involvement of SUP participants was significantly correlated to experiential marketing. Therefore, this study proposes that owners and event organizers should disseminate more, increasing the popularity, making more people to be curious about stand up paddling. Be-sides, designing suitable ways for prime to experience stand up paddling with the essence as the start point. Such as hosting SUP yoga camps which can stretch muscles and promote this new-developing water-based activity at the same time. In addition, conducting courses and tours in a creative and interesting way can effectively increase the willingness to participate in, and the sharing with pictures and captions can also spread the pleasure of stand up paddling more widely. It's the best of both worlds.
水域活動, 行動體驗, 吸引性, 認同表達, 情感體驗, Water Activities, Attractiveness, Expressions of Agreement, Emotional Experience