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射門是五人制足球得分贏得比賽的唯一方式,有關射門的研究便成為足球比賽表現分析最重要的內容。現有比賽中有關射門表現的研究文獻多以男子世界盃、男子歐洲盃等世界最高表現之盃賽為探討對象。亞洲在發展五人制足球起步較晚,女子五人制足球相關研究文獻也較缺乏。欲有效率的提升國內女子五人制球隊的實力,應以系統的研究結果作為平時訓練、比賽等實務的基礎。本研究目的旨在探討亞洲盃女子五人制足球比賽的射門時間、射門區域及射門接觸位置等因素對射門與得分之影響。方法:以2015與2018年亞洲盃女子五人制足球兩屆賽事共45場比賽為研究範圍,以亞洲足球聯盟在 YouTube 上傳之影片為資料來源,使用 Simi Scout 標記軟體設計紀錄系統,標記比賽射門時段、射門區域、射門接觸部位、射門時前場進攻人數、射門結果等3123次射門內容,並以 SPSS 23.0 統計應用程式進行卡方適合度考驗及卡方獨立性考驗。結果:最後五分鐘內射門的數量分別與5人及無人在前場有顯著正關聯;在六公尺罰球點內不但射門的次數較其他區域多,同時也是進球最多的區域。射門的方式以腳背與腳內側射門的次數較其他部位多,但僅有腳內側射門與進球有顯著的高關聯性。進球位置以球門下方左、右側較其他位置多。勝方與射門時球被彈回球場後持續掌握球權有顯著高關聯。討論:不論男子或是女子五人制賽事,在射門時間、射門區域、及射門方式上皆有相同的趨勢。射門後球被擋下或彈回球場後能繼續掌握球權有助於贏得比賽。本研究以2015、2018亞洲盃女子五人制錦標賽事為範圍,研究結果可提供訓練及比賽實務應用參考。未來可增加其他不同國際女子五人制足球比賽之比賽資料紀錄並進行分析,以建立更完整女子五人制賽事的知識。
Shooting is the most studied skill in the performance analysis of Futsal because the outcome of the game is determined solely by the number of goals. Research on the shooting performance of Futsal has been focused on top-level men’s teams, such as those who participated in FIFA Futsal World Cup and UEFA Futsal Cup. The development of Futsal in Asia is relatively late compared to other areas of the world and the research on women’s Futsal is particularly lacking. The purpose of the study was to examine the characteristics of the shooting performances in the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Women’s Futsal Championships 2015 and 2018. Methods: There were 3123 shots analyzed from 45 games of the two Championships. Shooting time, shooting zone, position of ball contact at shot, number of offensive players at the attacking half of the pitch when taking a shot and the shooting result were recorded with the Simi Scout notation analysis system. The Chi-square goodness of fit tests and Chi-square tests of independence were used for the statistical analyses with the SPSS 23.0 software. Results: There was a significantly high associations between the last 5 minutes and 0 as well as 5 offensive players for the number of shots taken. The penalty area had the most numbers of shots and goals. There were more shots taken with the instep and the inside edge of the foot than other parts of the body but only shooting with the inside edge of the foot resulted in significant numbers of goals. There were more goals at the lower left and right areas than other parts of the goal. There was a significant association between the winning teams and ball possession when the balls were bounced back to the pitch after the unsuccessful shots. Discussion: The shooting performances of the AFC women’s Futsal share similar characteristics with those of the men’s. Maintaining the ball possessions after the unsuccessful shootings help winning the games. The results of the study may be used for coaches and players in planning the training programs as well as preparing for match tactics.Future research may include other international women’s Futsal matches.



比賽表現分析, 進攻人數, 球權, performance analysis, number of offensive players, possessions





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