國中生科學成就與學生背景、學校規模及城鄉之關聯性探討---以TIMSS 2003為例


本研究利用TIMSS 2003的資料,以皮爾森相關分析全台、城市及鄉村地區,學校規模、語言變項、學生特質變項等是否有差異,並以迴歸對學生科學成就建立全台、城市及鄉村地區有預測力的模式。 研究結果發現:一、就全體受測學生而言,與科學成績相關度最大的學生特質是「家中藏書」,對科學成績預測力最高的學生特質是「自己的期望學歷」。二、城市地區與鄉村地區之學生的科學成就表現有所差異,城市優於鄉村。三、就城市地區學生而言,與科學成績相關度最大的變項是「家中資源」,對科學成績預測力最高的變項是「學生對於學習科學的信心」。四、就鄉村地區學生而言,與科學成績相關度最大的變項是「家中資源」,對科學成績預測力最高的變項是「自己的期望學歷」。五、造成城市地區與鄉村地區之間的科學成就差異,相關變項是:「學校規模」、學生對科學的評價「SVS」。 本研究建議教師及家長應提升學生的自我效能,善用家庭中的人力、財務、社會資本,教育當局應正視並慎思語言文化的差異及鄉村學校規模的問題。將來的研究方向可針對「學校規模」、「SVS」之城鄉差距深入分析。
Based on the data from TIMSS 2003, the main focus of this research was to examine if there were significant differences between schools of different locations (urban and rural) in terms of the following variables: scales, language, and student characteristics. Pearson’s product-moment correlation was the method used to analyze the available TIMSS data, and multiple-regression was used to establish models with predictability - one for each school location, and two comprehensive models one with school location as dummy variable and one without. The major findings of this research were described as follows: (1) For the whole students in Taiwan, the highest correlation variable was “books in your home” and prediction variable with scientific achievement was “self expected level of education”; (2) Urban students’ scientific achievement displayed better than that of rural students; (3) For the urban area students, the highest correlation variable was “possessions in your home” and the highest prediction variable with scientific achievement was “self-confidence in learning science” (SCS); (4) For the rural area students, the highest correlated variable was “possessions in your home” and the highest prediction variable with scientific achievement was “self expected level of education”; (5) The relation variable corresponding to the gap between the urban and rural students were “school scale” and “students' valuing science” (SVS). There were several suggestions after this research that may offer to current and future education systems and researchers. Teachers and parents should help to enhance students’ self-efficacy, also properly utilize human, financial, and social capitals in the family. Current board of education should carefully consider language and cultural discrepancies and look at the problems originate from those differences. As for future researchers, the aims or the objectives of research could be focusing on the school scale and SVS analysis of urban and rural difference.



國中生, 科學成就, TIMSS 2003, 學生特質, 語言, 城鄉差異





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