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隨著環境變化及配合行政院組織改造,當前各部會面臨組織重整之際,除了業務賡續推動外,組織人員適應新組織文化,如何調適身心和工作態度實為一重要課題。本研究目的即在於瞭解各部會公務人員之特性與現況,並使用問卷調查法,以各部會公務人員為研究對象,分析不同各部會公務人員在休閒態度、工作價值觀的影響與相關情形。其中研究工具包括休閒態度量表、休閒參與表、工作價值觀量表與各部會公務人員基本特性問卷,並以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、與相關分析進行資料處理與分析。本研究共收集436份有效問卷,其分析結果與結論如下: 1.各部會公務人員以女性、未婚者、世代分布以六年級、具研究所以上者教育程度、服務年資5-15年及擔任非主管職務者居多。 2.各部會公務人員每週平均參與休閒活動次數,以不固定者,及休閒活動時段以假日為居多。 3.不同特性公務人員在休閒態度、工作價值觀上,部分構面具有顯著差異。 4.公務人員的休閒態度、工作價值觀具有顯著相關。 因此,本研究建議各部會應善用年輕世代活潑、有創意及資訊能力的特質,以鼓勵同世代以共同語言表達並發揮創意,將生硬法令及宣導轉為生趣易懂之方法;人事單位定期舉辦休閒活動、開設進修和人際關係課程,加強不同世代溝通;公務人員能定期從事休閒活動且每週運動不少於三次,適當參與休閒有助於身心放鬆,對於工作能更有驅使動力。
Due to the change of working environment and reorganization of Executive Yuan, the ministries nowadays not only have to carry out its duties, but also have to adapt to the new organizational culture and adjust their work attitude, which has become a greater issue. By analyzing the questionnaires answered by civil servants from various ministries, this research is aiming to 1) evaluate the subjects’ attitude toward leisure and work and its correlations, and 2) find out the characteristics and current situations of the subjects. With the instruments of leisure attitude scale, leisure participation scale, work values scale and the subjects’ background information, and processing with descriptive statistical analysis, independent-sample t-test, and ANOVA, the results of 436 valid samples are 1) the majority of civil servants are female, single, in their forties, with master’s degree, 5-15 years of service, and non-supervisory; 2) most of the subjects do not participate in leisure activities on a weekly basis, while the leisure activities are mainly done in the holidays; 3) the subjects’ background leads to significant difference in partial/some dimensions of leisure attitude and work values; and 4) leisure attitude and work values are significantly correlated. This research thus suggests 1) the administration should utilize the younger generation’s livelihood, creativities and familiarity with technology, to transform the traditional advocacy of the laws and regulations into lively and easy-comprehension approaches; 2) the personnel divisions should regularly organize leisure activities, so as to compose advanced and interpersonal relationship courses.



世代, 休閒參與, 休閒態度, 工作價值觀, Generation, Leisure Participation, Leisure Attitude, Work Values





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