2019 年台中銀行盃女子排球邀請賽得分技術之研究

dc.contributorChang, En-Chungen_US
dc.contributor.authorSong, Yu-Rongen_US
dc.description.abstract目的: 本研究旨在探討 2019 年亞洲排球俱樂部女子排球邀請賽,在四項得分技 術上 (發球得分、攻擊得分、攔網得分、對方失誤得分) 的差異與成績之相關。 方法:其數據資料,由本大會 (VIS) 技術小組所公布四項得分因素 (攻擊得分、 攔網得分、發球得分、對方失誤得分) 作為研究資料,提供十場三十四局的比賽 紀錄,「中國人纖 (4 場、15 局)、極速超跑 (4 場、13 局)、日本 (4 場、12 局)、 泰國 (4 場、14 局)、印尼 (4 場、14 局)」分析參賽對手比賽中的發球得分、攻 擊得分、攔網得分、對方失誤得分等技術,對比賽勝率之影響,並進行統計分析。 本研究應用灰色系統理論 (Grey System Theory) 之關聯分析法 (Grey Relational Analysis) 以比賽勝率為參考函數、四項得分技術為比較函數,加以探討四項得 分技術與比賽勝率間關聯程度,本研究所得結果如下所述: 一、參賽隊伍四項 得分技術單局平均得分其排序如下:(一)攻擊得分:1.日本隊 16.5 分,2.極速超跑隊 12.53 分,3.泰國隊 11.85 分,4. 中國人纖隊 11.2 分,5.菲律賓隊 10.64 分。(二)發球得分:1.日本隊 2 分,2.極速超跑隊 1.46 分,3.泰國隊 1.21 分,4.中國 人纖隊 1.06 分,5.菲律賓隊 0.93 分。(三)攔網得分:1.泰國隊 2.75 分,2.極速超跑隊 2.15 分 3.中國人纖隊 1.73 分, 4.日本隊 1.58 分,5.菲律賓隊 1.42 分。(四)對方失誤得分技術:1.中國人纖隊高 5.66 分,2.泰國隊 5.21 分,3.極速超跑 隊 5.38 分,4.日本隊 4.91 分,5.菲律賓隊 4.85 分。i 二、透過研究結果顯示,發現影響比賽成績表現的高低順序為攻擊得分、對方失 誤得分、攔網得分、發球得分,而中國人纖隊與極速超跑隊兩隊伍在此賽事中, 都未能準確發揮發球技術及攻擊技術的水準,就此,建議往後實務訓練時,能著 重在訓練基本技術上,並強化發球技術的多變性及威脅性與穩定度,提升全方位 的基本技術訓練,同時以賽做為借鏡參考,以便在日後國際賽中有所突破,期盼 往後能有更好的技術基礎與成績表現。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractPurpose: This study aims to explore the correlation between the differences and the performance records in the four scoring techniques (serving score, attack score, block score, and opponent's turnover score) of the 2019 Asian Volleyball Club Women's Invitational Volleyball tournament. Method: The data is based on the four scoring factors (attack score, block score, serve score, and opponent's turnover score) announced by the technical team of this conference (VIS) as research data, providing ten thirty-four games record, CMFC (4 games, 15 games), TopSpeedVolley (4 games, 13 games), Japan (4 games, 12 games), Thailand (4 games, 14 games), Indonesia (4 games, 14 games)", analyzing the opponent's serve score, attack score, block score, opponent's error score, the impact on the winning rate of the game, and also carrying out statistical analysis. In this research, the Grey Relational Analysis method of Grey System Theory is used as the reference function of the game-winning rate and the comparison function of the four scoring techniques to explore the correlation between the four scoring techniques and the game-winning rate. In this study, the results obtained are as follows: 1. The average scores of the four technical rounds of the participating teams are ranked as follows: (1) Attack score: 1. The Japan team had 16.5 points, 2. TopSpeedVolley had 12.53 points, 3. The Thailand team had 11.85 points, 4. CMFC had 11.2 points, 5. The Philippines team had 10.64 points. (2) Serve points: 1. The Japan team had 2 points, 2. TopSpeedVolley had 1.46 points, 3. The Thailand team had 1.21 points, 4. CMFC had 1.06 points, 5. The Philippines team had 0.93 points. (3) Block score: 1. The Thailand team had 2.75 points, 2. TopSpeedVolley had 2.15 points 3. CMFC had 1.73 points, 4. The Japan team had 1.58 points, 5. The Philippines team had 1.42 points.iii Author : SONG, Yu-Rong Advisor: Chang, En-Chung (4) The opponent's turnover scoring technique: 1. CMFC had 5.66 points, 2. The Thailand team had 5.21 points, 3. TopSpeedVolley had 5.38 points, 4. The Japanese team had 4.91 points, 5. The Philippines team had 4.85 points. According to the research results, it is found that the order of impact on the performance of the game is from attack score to opponent's turnover score, block score and serve score. However, both of CMFC and TopSpeedVolleyfailed to accurately display the standard level of serving and attacking techniques. For this reason, it is recommended to focus on training basic techniques and strengthening the variability, threat, and stability of the serving techniques to improve all-around basic technical training. Moreover, the competition is considered as a reference to make breakthroughs in international competitions in the future. Hopefully, there has a better technical foundation and performance in the future.en_US
dc.subjectgrey system associationen_US
dc.title2019 年台中銀行盃女子排球邀請賽得分技術之研究zh_TW
dc.titleResearch on the Scoring Techniques of 2019 Taichung Bank international Women's invitational Volleyball Tournament.en_US


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