台語戲劇翻譯實驗:God of Carnage 譯注

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台語文運動自解嚴之際便蓬勃發展,諸多前輩投入台語詩歌、散文、小說等藝文創作,期待重建受到壓迫的台語文化。近年來,社會上提倡、重視台語的風氣較以往興盛,2019年《國家語言發展法》公布後,台語文運動也邁向二十一世紀重要的里程碑。愈來愈多人嘗試台語文創作,不過由外語翻譯成台語的作品卻相當稀少,大多數台語文作品還是以台灣本土為主。然而,在全球化的時代下,翻譯是認識世界的重要媒介,也是語言活力的展現。台語翻譯急需深入探討,因此筆者決定實際進行台語翻譯實驗。 本論文選用的作品為法國劇作家雅斯米娜.雷莎(Yasmina Reza)於2006年所創作的作品——God of Carnage(法語原名:Le Dieu du carnage)之英譯本。為兼顧戲劇服務觀眾的原則,以及增加台語文深度、廣度的目標,筆者翻譯時的書寫方式採「漢羅濫寫」,策略則採取適時運用在地化、異化,並附上譯注。本論文旨在透過此次實驗,點出英語譯入台語的可能性與困難點,並提供符合現時台語文需求的翻譯策略及建議。期待未來有更多台文界有志一同投入台語翻譯的工程,為台語注入現代化、國際化的觀點。
In the wake of the withdrawal of the martial law in 1987, the Taiwanese society has seen a thriving wave of social movements, including the written Taiwanese movement, of which activists aim to revitalize the once oppressed language and its culture. With years of promotion and advocation, the revitalization of Taiwanese has gained more attention and support. More and more people try to create works, including poems, novels, proses, and play scripts, in Taiwanese. However, most of these works are still mainly in the context of Taiwan, with a lack of translated pieces from foreign languages. In the era of globalization when information exchanges with unprecedented speed, translation serves as a medium of importing worldwide knowledge into a language, as well as the demonstration of language vitality. As Taiwanese is in urgent need of translation from all aspects, I have decided to conduct a Taiwanese translation project and discuss the process and results in this thesis. The material I chose is a part of the play script God of Carnage by Yasmina Reza (translated into English by Christopher Hampton). In order to delve more into developing written Taiwanese, I used both strategies of localization and foreignization when conducting this project. This thesis aims to point out the accessibility and difficulties of translation from English into Taiwanese, and to provide suggestions for further research and the ongoing written Taiwanese movement. I look forward to more future participation in the field of Taiwanese translation, providing more modern perspectives for the language.



台語翻譯, 戲劇翻譯, God of Carnage, 雅斯米娜.雷莎, Taiwanese translation, drama translation, God of Carnage, Yasmina Reza





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