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本研究旨在根據de Bono的六頂思考帽訓練課程編擬一套適合五年級資優生的思考訓練課程
1.實驗組與對照組在總分之差異達到顯著水準(F=8.51 , p<.05)。
1. 實驗組與對照組在總分之差異達到顯著水準(F=19.12, p<.05)。
2. 實驗組與對照組在「界定問題」(F=1.17,P>.05)與「蒐集資料」,(F=0.68,P>.05
The main purposes of this study were to design a thinking training course for 5th grade gifted students bases on de Bono`s “Six Thinking Hats”, and to investigate the impacts of ten-times training course on problem solving ability of gifted students in the elementary school. An nonequivalent pretest-posttest experimental design was employed. The subjects of this study involved thirty-four students selected from Taipei Municipal Bi-Hu and Hu-Shi elementary schools.The experiment group consisting of 14 studnents from Bi-Hu elementary school attended a ten-units thinking training course.The instruments are the Test of Problem Solving(TOPS) and performance assessment of problem solving.Tthe data were analyzed by one-way ANCOVA. The major finding of this study were concluded as follows: 1.The assessment results of the Test of Problem Solving(TOPS): (1)The were significant differences between the experiment group and the matched group on total scores(F=8.51 , p<.05). (2) The were significant differences between the experiment group and the matched group in the following subtests: explaining inferences(F=24.44 , P<.05 ), determining causes(F=22.34,P<.05), negative why questions(F=8.75,P<.05 ) and determining solutions(F=7.87,P<.05). But no significant difference in the “avoiding problems” subtest(F=1.46,P>.05). Therefore, there was significant training effect on improving the problem solving ability of the experiment group. 2.The assessment results ofthe performance assessment: (1)The were significant differents between the experiment group and the matched group on total scores(F=19.12, p<.05). (2) The were significant differents between the experiment group and the matched group in the following subtests:”applying techniques to solve problems “(F=4.32,P<.05)and “evaluating effectiveness of solutions to problems” (F=5.09,P<.05).But no significant differences in the “ identifying problem” (F=1.17,P>.05) and “collecting information” (F=0. 68,P>.05)subtest. 3.The subjects reported that they enjoy the training course .
The main purposes of this study were to design a thinking training course for 5th grade gifted students bases on de Bono`s “Six Thinking Hats”, and to investigate the impacts of ten-times training course on problem solving ability of gifted students in the elementary school. An nonequivalent pretest-posttest experimental design was employed. The subjects of this study involved thirty-four students selected from Taipei Municipal Bi-Hu and Hu-Shi elementary schools.The experiment group consisting of 14 studnents from Bi-Hu elementary school attended a ten-units thinking training course.The instruments are the Test of Problem Solving(TOPS) and performance assessment of problem solving.Tthe data were analyzed by one-way ANCOVA. The major finding of this study were concluded as follows: 1.The assessment results of the Test of Problem Solving(TOPS): (1)The were significant differences between the experiment group and the matched group on total scores(F=8.51 , p<.05). (2) The were significant differences between the experiment group and the matched group in the following subtests: explaining inferences(F=24.44 , P<.05 ), determining causes(F=22.34,P<.05), negative why questions(F=8.75,P<.05 ) and determining solutions(F=7.87,P<.05). But no significant difference in the “avoiding problems” subtest(F=1.46,P>.05). Therefore, there was significant training effect on improving the problem solving ability of the experiment group. 2.The assessment results ofthe performance assessment: (1)The were significant differents between the experiment group and the matched group on total scores(F=19.12, p<.05). (2) The were significant differents between the experiment group and the matched group in the following subtests:”applying techniques to solve problems “(F=4.32,P<.05)and “evaluating effectiveness of solutions to problems” (F=5.09,P<.05).But no significant differences in the “ identifying problem” (F=1.17,P>.05) and “collecting information” (F=0. 68,P>.05)subtest. 3.The subjects reported that they enjoy the training course .
資優生, 六頂思考帽, 問題解決能力