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本研究旨在探討六次媒體介入易筋經教學對社會人士認知與技能表現之影響。以台北市養生班之65名學員(男三十名、女三十五名)為研究對象,隨機分成二組(傳統教學組和傳統加媒體組),一組三十四名,另一組三十一人。每節課除五十分鐘相同的易筋經練習與指導外,傳統教學組練習前十五分鐘講解及示範十五分鐘,傳統加媒體組播放易筋經教學影片與講解十五分鐘及示範十五分鐘。所有受試者在六週(每週一節,共六節,每節五十分鐘)教學後皆接受技能表現和認知表現測驗。研究結論為傳統加媒體教學組的認知表現顯著優於傳統教學組,且差異達顯著性(p<0.5),但傳統加媒體教學組的動作技能表現優於傳統教學組但差異未達顯著性 (p>0.5)。
This research aims to study the effect of six media-interposed instruction sessions of Yi Jin Jing to the cognitive and skill performances of adult learners. The subjects of this research are 65 health exercise learners (29 male and 36 female) in Taipei City, who are randomly grouped into two Yin Jin Jing classes, and each class is implemented with traditional and traditional+media instructions respectively. The first class consists of 34 members and the second class 31 members. In each class session, both groups are applied with a 50-minute Yi Jin Jing practice and instruction; only, the first group (traditional instruction) receives ten minutes of oral instruction and demonstration, and the second group (traditional+media) receives 15 minutes of video demonstration and 15 minutes of oral instruction before the above-said practice and instruction. All subjects receive tests for cognitive and skill performances after six weeks of instructions (total six sessions: one session per week and 50 minutes per session). Results of this research show that the Traditional+Media Group yields better results than the Traditional Group in the dimension of Cognitive Performance and the derived data reaches the level of significance (p<0.5). And the Traditional+Media Group also yields better results than the Traditional Group in the dimension of skill performance, but the derived data did not reach the level of significant difference (p>0.5)
This research aims to study the effect of six media-interposed instruction sessions of Yi Jin Jing to the cognitive and skill performances of adult learners. The subjects of this research are 65 health exercise learners (29 male and 36 female) in Taipei City, who are randomly grouped into two Yin Jin Jing classes, and each class is implemented with traditional and traditional+media instructions respectively. The first class consists of 34 members and the second class 31 members. In each class session, both groups are applied with a 50-minute Yi Jin Jing practice and instruction; only, the first group (traditional instruction) receives ten minutes of oral instruction and demonstration, and the second group (traditional+media) receives 15 minutes of video demonstration and 15 minutes of oral instruction before the above-said practice and instruction. All subjects receive tests for cognitive and skill performances after six weeks of instructions (total six sessions: one session per week and 50 minutes per session). Results of this research show that the Traditional+Media Group yields better results than the Traditional Group in the dimension of Cognitive Performance and the derived data reaches the level of significance (p<0.5). And the Traditional+Media Group also yields better results than the Traditional Group in the dimension of skill performance, but the derived data did not reach the level of significant difference (p>0.5)
經絡數位化, 易筋經, 傳統教學, 傳統加媒體教學, meridian digitalization, Yi Jin Jing, traditional instruction, traditional and media teaching