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National Taiwan Normal University Department of History
National Taiwan Normal University Department of History
史大奈是隋末唐初一位重要的突厥族蕃將,李淵太原起兵之際,最早歸附李淵旗下的外族即是史大奈,而突厥族入唐後以「史」為姓,也是始自史大奈。然而,傳統史籍文獻關於史大奈的出身載記缺略不明,對於史大奈歸附李淵的背景也不甚清楚。敦煌文書S.2078 Verso習字保留史大奈神道碑的部分內容,使我們可以對史大奈世系及其生平事蹟有更多的認識,具有很高的史料價值。
Shi Danai was an important Türkish military commander during late Sui and early T’ang Dynasties. He was the first foreign commander to serve on Lee Yuan’s army when the latter initiated a mutiny in Taiyuan. He was also the first to adopt the “Shi” surname, and subsequently affected the surname choice of all his Türkish fellowmen in the T’ang Dynasty. Yet, historical records about Shi Danai’s life and experiences, especially his attachment to Li Yuan, were scarce and fragmentary. Fortunately, Dunhuang Manuscript S.2078 Verso contains a student writing practice sample which reveals partial content of “Stele for Shi Danai” to allow us exploring Shi Danai’s life and achievements more explicitly.
Shi Danai was an important Türkish military commander during late Sui and early T’ang Dynasties. He was the first foreign commander to serve on Lee Yuan’s army when the latter initiated a mutiny in Taiyuan. He was also the first to adopt the “Shi” surname, and subsequently affected the surname choice of all his Türkish fellowmen in the T’ang Dynasty. Yet, historical records about Shi Danai’s life and experiences, especially his attachment to Li Yuan, were scarce and fragmentary. Fortunately, Dunhuang Manuscript S.2078 Verso contains a student writing practice sample which reveals partial content of “Stele for Shi Danai” to allow us exploring Shi Danai’s life and achievements more explicitly.