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本研究旨在探討輔助溝通系統(Augmentative and Alternative Communication,簡稱AAC)的介入對無口語腦性麻痺學生在學校溝通參與型態之影響。本研究採單一受試研究法之跨行為多基線實驗設計,研究對象為兩名中學階段的無口語腦性麻痺學生,自變項為輔助溝通系統,依變項為是指個案接受輔助溝通系統訓練後,返回班級時,其學校溝通參與型態的改變。研究中所指的學校溝通參與型態是指個案使用輔助溝通系統後有效進行「表達需求」、「實現社會性禮節的要求」及「與他人進行交換訊息」等三個溝通向度的溝通形式變化,分為輔助性AAC型式及非輔助性AAC型式。 在輔助溝通系統介入後,研究結果顯示: 一、 在表達需求方面,無口語腦性麻痺學生的溝通形式轉變為輔助性AAC形式為主,非輔助性AAC形式為輔。 二、 在實現社會性禮節方面,無口語腦性麻痺學生的溝通形式轉變為以輔助性AAC形式為主。 三、 在與他人交換訊息方面,無口語腦性麻痺學生的溝通形式轉變為以輔助性AAC和非輔助性AAC兩種形式交錯並用。
The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of AAC on the changes of communication participation for students with non-verbal cerebral palsy at school. Participators of this study were two students with non-verbal cerebral palsy in the high school of special education. This study employed a multiple-baseline design across behaviors. The independent variable was the AAC, and the dependent variables were the effects of the patterns of communication participation, after the participators accepted the AAC intervention and returned to the classroom. Changes of communication participation was the result of aided AAC or non-aided AAC style, include subjects’ ability to express needs, their social etiquette, and their information exchange with others. After accepted the AAC intervention, results of this study were found as follows: A. Pattern of communication participation changed into the aided AAC style, supplemented by the unaided AAC style while subjects express their needs. B. Pattern of communication participation changed into the aided AAC style in social etiquette. C. Pattern of communication participation interleave with aided AAC and unaided AAC style while subjects exchange information with others.



輔助溝通系統(AAC), 腦性麻痺, 無口語, 溝通參與, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), Cerebral Palsy, Non-verbal, Communication Participation





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