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本研究以賽事行銷與城市行銷為理論基礎,探討台北地區兩大國際馬拉松賽事行銷策略差異,並且使用半結構訪談法與文件分析法討論富邦台北馬拉松、新北市萬金石馬拉松行銷策略制定之目的,進而了解台北地區兩大國際馬拉松賽事國際化差異之因素。研究結果發現: (一) 賽事規劃實務面難度差異大,主因不僅是因為臺北市區腹地狹小、參賽者過多,而導致臺北馬拉松在賽事實務執行上遭遇困難;更深層原因為市政府對於馬拉松賽事的行銷目地尚停留在推廣路跑的階段,導致無法在提高賽事品質、層級和參與人數之間做出平衡,賽事品質與人數逐漸失衡。 (二) 市政府於國際馬拉松賽事角色不同,市政府單位應該確保足以獲取大量地方資訊、適當滿足地方偏好。 (三) 賽事主辦單位行銷目的不同,導致賽事之產品設計導向不同,目前馬拉松市場已達飽和狀態,馬拉松賽事之責任應該從推廣轉至品質精良之國際賽事。 關鍵詞:國際馬拉松、賽事行銷、城市行銷。
This research is theoretical based on marketing of sport event and city marketing. This research is aimed to investigate the difference of event marketing strategies between two of the biggest marathon event in Taipei, discussing the purpose of Fubon Taipei Marathon and New Taipei City Wan-Jin-Shi marathon’s marketing strategies and how they were been formulated by semi-structured interview and document research. And then investigate the factors behind the difference to internationalize marathon event. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Fubon Taipei marathon faced huge difficulties in practical situations, the main reasons were the lacking of hinterland in Taipei city, huge amount of participants. Furthermore, Taipei city government still regard Fubon Taipei marathon as a promoting tactics to enlarge the amount of participants. Resulting in breaking balance of quality of marathon event and quantity of participants. 2. The main city governments in Taipei area, Taipei city government and New Taipei city government, play different roles in their own marathon event. City government should guarantee the information from local area, adjusting the marathon event to satisfy the demand of local area. 3. The organizer of marathon event with different marketing purpose and strategies lead to variety products in marathon event. Nowadays, the amount of marathon product provided in a market has been maximized in the current state of the marathon marketplace. Marathon in Taiwan should be elevated from promoting stage to high-quality international marathon event. Keyword:International marathon, Event marketing, City marketing



國際馬拉松, 賽事行銷, 城市行銷, International marathon, Event marketing, City marketing

