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二手書店區的存在是一種都市經濟活動方式的展現,更是一種人和書互動的文化空間關係。台灣的二手書業至今約有一甲子的歷史,近年來台北市的溫羅汀地區所形成的二手書店區,不僅顯現了二手書業在台北發展的脈絡,也與都市居民的記憶緊密結合,成為台北的文化地景之一。相隔不遠的鄰近國家也有相似的文化/商業區域,日本東京都內的神保町是一個具有百年歷史,聞名於東亞國家文化圈及西方世界的二手書店區,當然更是日本東京都內重要的文化地景,承載著許多歷史記憶。誠然,二手書店各國皆有,而書店風景各有不同,台日文化同中有異,各有特點,台灣台北的溫羅汀地區與日本東京的神田神保町二手書店區,地理位置相隔不遠,過去雖有殖民與被殖民的歷史事實,但在時間的演進下,兩地的二手書店區呈現出各自的文化內涵、歷久彌新,也展現了現今的場所精神。 過去二手書業的研究比較關注在二手書店的家族歷史、藏書家與二手書店之間的互動,以及二手書店的經濟價值和符號意義等,本研究除了以前人研究為背景理解,也藉由人本主義地理學的相關理論,詮釋兩地的歷史與文化,考察其異同,思辨其文化義涵。本研究聚焦於當代,網路興起後,二手書業和整個出版業以及實體/網路書店的生態更加緊密,所帶來的書物意義的轉變。結合文獻梳理與田野調查,並透過兩地經營者的深度訪談,了解其文化地景轉變、店內空間的陳設和場所精神的凸顯,提出屬於現在的二手書店定位及想像,並將跨文化的比較研究作為一反省和創新的進路。
The existence of used book zone represents not only urban economic activities, but also a cultural space in which people and books interact with each other. The used book business in Taiwan has developed for approximately sixty years and gradually gathered in Wen-Luo-Ting in Taipei. This used book zone becomes one of the cultural landscapes, recording the history of used book business and carrying the memories of residents. Close to Taipei, there is another similar cultural/business zone in Japan. Like Wen-Luo-Ting, Jimbocho has been a used book zone for a century. This used book zone which locates in Tokyo has good reputation in East Asia cultural areas and Western countries. It is also a well-known cultural landscape which preserves many historical memories. Used bookstores exist in many countries worldwide, and each one has its own characteristics. Taiwan and Japan share some similarities to some extent, yet, there are still certain uniqueness among their similarities. The used book zones in Wen-Luo-Ting and Jimbocho are close to each other in terms of geographic location. In spite of the history of colony and colonist, both of them demonstrate their own cultural connotations which sustain through time respectively. They also reveal the spirit of space in modern days. In the past, the studies of used book business focused more on the history of the family, the interactions between the ownership and the bookstore, economic values, symbolic meanings and so on. Apart from the previous research, this study also based on the theories related to humanistic geography to interpret the history and culture of Taiwan and Japan; to examine the similarities and differences on both countries; to ponder on their cultural significances. After the development of Internet, the connections among used book business, publishers, and the ecosystems of physical/on-line bookstores become closer than ever. All of which have introduced the transformation of the reading materials’ meanings, hence, this study will concentrate on the modern era. This study will also integrate literature review, fieldwork, and in-depth interviews with the used bookstore owners in Taiwan and Japan, to understand the change of cultural landscape, displays within the bookstore, and the emphasis on spirit of space. Finally, it will raise the awareness of location and images of used bookstore belong to modern days, and apply cross-cultural research methods to reflection and innovations.



二手書, 溫羅汀, 神保町, 書店, 文化地景, 場所精神, Used Book, Wen-Luo-Ting, Jimbocho, Bookstore, Cultural Landscape, Spirit of Place





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