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本研究旨在以經驗取樣方法收集幼兒教育工作者日常幽默表現紀錄,分析幼兒教育工作者日常幽默表現之型態,並探討其與研究參與者之其他幽默變項、創意特質及幸福感之關聯。研究者以招募方式,邀請臺灣地區幼教現場相關工作人員共73人為研究參與者。研究工具為研究團隊自行開發,設置於Line社群軟體中的「日常幽默經驗取樣聊天機器人(Chatbot)」,收集幼兒教育工作者連續14日之每日之使用幽默經驗,紀錄並分析參與者幽默使用之頻率、內容、技巧類型等。同時以「多向度幽默感量表」(陳淑蓉、陳學志,2005)、「中文版幽默風格量表」(詹雨臻、陳學志、卓淑玲與Martin, 2011)、「五大人格特質短版(Ten Item Personality Inventory, TIPI)」(Gosling, Rentfrow,& Swann, 2003)、「創意自我效能量表」(洪素蘋、林珊如,2004)、「創意生活經驗量表」(吳靜吉等,1996)、「生活滿意度量表」(Wu &Yao, 2006)、「正負向情緒量表」(Thompson, 2007)做為測量工具。本研究以「相關檢定及單因子變異數分析」探討幼教工作者每日幽默表現紀錄,並歸類出參與者使用幽默之頻率、內容、技巧類型,以及聽眾對於幽默的理解程度和好笑程度等,並據以分析幼教工作者日常幽默表現與幽默變項、創意特質及幸福感之關聯。結果發現:幼兒教育工作者日常幽默表現在使用時段與幽默使用型態上有顯著差異。下午與晚間時段使用幽默的次數較多,上午時段使用幽默的次數最少。不同任教職務之幼兒教育工作者在日常幽默使用次數,無顯著差異。幽默型態中,幽默目的「討好」、幽默內容「自我提升」、幽默技巧「誇張」、幽默對象「同事平輩」、幽默形式「表現逗趣的動作或模仿」與幽默場合「工作場所」的使用上最多。另外,幽默內容「死亡」、幽默技巧「矛盾」、幽默對象「屬下」、幽默形式「展現自製的趣味影片或音樂作品」與幽默場合「獨處」的使用上最少。幼兒教育工作者日常幽默表現與各量表的相關分析,在幽默變項部分,與多向度幽默感、幽默風格量表有低度相關;在創意特質部分,僅與創意生活經驗量表有中度或低度相關,與五大人格、創意自我效能則無顯著相關;在幸福感部分,與正負向情緒、生活滿意度量表,無顯著相關。研究者最終依據研究結果提出建議,供實務工作及後續研究之參考。
The purpose of this study is to collect the activities records of everyday humor by using Experience-Sampling Method and analyze the types of everyday humor of early childhood educators. 78 early childhood educators sampled from everywhere in Taiwan. The study tools were “Humor Logs for early childhood educators” which is edited by the researcher, the “Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale” , “Traditional Chinese Version of the Humor Styles Questionnaire” , “Ten Item Personality Inventory” , “Creative Self-efficacy Scale”, "Creative Life Experience Scale", “Positive and Negative Affect Scales”, and “ Life Satisfaction Scale”. Self-edited tool “Humor Logs for early childhood educators” was applied to collect and analyze early childhood educators’ everyday humor behavior, the humor times, humor contents and humor skills et al within two weeks by using Line app of Chatbot. Then, Pearson Correlation and Analysis of Variance was used to analyze early childhood educators' activities record of everyday humor, the types of humor performance, the frequency of humor behavior and understanding and funny degree by audiences. According to these, researcher analyzed the everyday humor behavior with relationship of humor variables, creative qualities and happiness of early childhood educators.The results show that the early childhood educators' types of humor activities have a significant difference due to their timing and the types of humor performance. Also, afternoon and night have the highest frequency of using humor, and morning has the least frequency. Besides, the early childhood educators daily humor behavior have no significant correlation with different teaching position. In these, humor purpose of please, humor content of self-improvement, humor skill of exaggeration, humor object to colleague, humor form of funny action and imitation and humor occasion of office has the highest frequency. In addition, humor content of death, humor skill of contradiction, humor object to subordinate, humor form of homemade videos and music and humor occasion of alone has the least frequency. Correlation analysis of daily humorous performance of early childhood educators and various scales. In the humor variables, there is a low correlation with multi-dimensional humor and humor style scale. In the creative qualities, only "Creative Life Experience Scale" show low or middle correlation. They have no significant correlation with“ Ten Item Personality Inventory” and “Creative self-efficacy scale”.In the happiness, they have no significant correlation with “Positive and Negative Affect Scales” and “ Life Satisfaction Scale”. Finally, the study provides some suggestions for teaching guidance and future study.



幼兒教育工作者, 日常幽默表現, 經驗取樣, Early childhood educator, Everyday Humor Performance, Experience-Sampling Method

