
dc.contributorChen, Pei-Yingen_US
dc.contributor.authorWu, Shih-Anen_US
dc.description.abstract我國政府於2014年推動十二年國教,其中素養導向教學是教師於此波課程改革中所面臨最大的挑戰,素養的定義、引導學生學習、落實教學、評鑑…等的問題影響教師最為密切。為了回應新課綱於課程教學上的挑戰,需要領導者協助中央政策轉化於地方施行、落實課綱理念於教學中,並協助教師達成新一波教育改革所給予的期待與任務。 教育部國教署於107學年度執行了《彈性暨素養課程發展計劃》,期望藉由中央輔導團具備與教師現場對話的經驗,希望培力一批核心研究教師成為教師領導者,增進他們素養導向課程發展之能力、落實「以學習者為中心」課程理念,並協助學校了解並掌握十二年國民基本教育課程綱要精神、內容及課程教學的改變。 因此本次研究以教師領導為理論架構,探究《彈性暨素養課程發展計劃》如何培力核心研究教師掌握新的教學知能與推動改革所需的能力;並剖析培力計劃如何協助核心研究教師透過團隊協作,實踐發展課程改革的策略與行動;最終探詢培力計劃在推動課綱中,協助核心研究教師發展並實踐教師領導的角色與任務為何。本研究的結論有以下三點: 一、培力計劃透過系統性增能,發展研究教師課綱推動與課程發展必備知能 二、培力計劃協助核心研究教師形成行動主體,戮力於課程改革 三、培力計劃發展核心研究教師多元角色並發揮教師的系統領導力 最後的研究建議有三面向,分別是建議教師參與社群發展互動共好力、累積新知掌握課程改革力、重塑觀點提升教師影響力;建議教育主管機關檢視計劃執行並回饋未來發展、善用計劃成果重塑三級輔導培力機制、結合核心教師經驗建立跨領域小組、鼓勵教師承擔領導責任並發揮教師影響力;並針對計劃後續執行進行培力效益追蹤研究、針對輔導人力對學校教學現場的影響進行研究。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Taiwan government promoted the 12-year Basic Education in 2014. Among them, competency-based instruction is the important challenge faced by teachers in this wave of curriculum reform. The definition of competencies, guiding students to learn, instructing, evaluation, etc., are most influential affect to teachers. Facing the challenges from 108 curriculum guidelines,we need leaders to transform the central policy to be implemented locally, help the concept of curriculum to be implemented in teaching, and help teachers achieve the expectations and mission from the new wave of education reform. The K-12 Education Administration(MOE) implemented the " Alternative Curriculum And Competency-based Instruction Development Plan" in the 107 school year. It is hoped that the Ministry of Education Curriculum and Instruction consulting team has the experience of dialogue with teachers, and hopes to train a group of core research teachers become teacher leaders to enhance these teachers' competency-based instruction,the ability to develop curriculum, implementing the " Learner-Centered Teaching ", and assist schools to understand the spirit, content, and curriculum of the 12-year Basic Education. Therefore, this study takes teacher leadership as the theoretical framework, and explores how core research teachers can acquire new teaching abilities in the training process; and how to develop strategies and actions for curriculum reform through teamwork. In the process of promotion, what are the roles and tasks of teacher leadership in practice? The findings of this study include: First, the empowerment plan strengthen core research teachers’ essential competencies the Curriculum Guidelines Implement and curriculum development through systematic empowerment. Second, the empowerment plan assist core research teacher's department to take the team as the subject to practice the curriculum reform. Third, the empowerment plan development Core research teachers’ multiple roles and exert teachers' systematic leadership. The final research proposal has three targets, a) suggesting that teachers accumulate new knowledge to master the curriculum reform power, and participating teacher community for development of the interact and common good ,and reframe their perspectives to improve their self-impact; b) suggesting that Ministry of Education check plan implementation and give feedback on future developments , refer to the plan to reshape the three-level counseling and training symtem and establish inter-professional group based on core teacher experience, and encourage teachers to assume leadership responsibilities and exert teacher influence; c) suggesting that follow-up research researching on effectiveness of training in the follow-up implementation of the plan, and researching on the impact of tutoring manpower on the school teaching scene.en_US
dc.subjectcurriculum reformen_US
dc.subjectthe Ministry of Education Curriculum and Instruction consulting teamen_US
dc.subjectteacher leadershipen_US
dc.titleResearch on Teacher Leadership Development and Practice-Taking the Ministry of Education's Alternative Curriculum And Competency-based Instruction Development Plan as an Exampleen_US


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