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本研究旨在瞭解中投區高級中等學校免試入學生學習適應之現況,與免試入學生覺知學校行政作為之情形,並分析中投區高級中等學校免試入學生的學習適應情形,和其覺知學校行政作為是否有關聯。本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為臺中市、南投縣、及其他部分縣市之鄉鎮共同就學區範圍的公立(包含國立、市立)及私立高中的免試入學生,抽取樣本人數為819人,有效問卷為698份。研究調查所得之資料以SPSS 22.0 for Windows 統計套裝軟體程式進行次數分配與百分比統計、平均數與標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等統計處理。 歸納本研究結果,獲致以下結論: 一、中投區高中免試生整體和各層面學習適應之情形良好,尤其是學習環境層面的學習適應情形。 二、中投區高中免試生覺知學校行政作為良好。 三、中投區高中免試生越能覺知良好的學校行政作為,學習適應情形亦越良好。 四、中投區高中免試生越能覺知校長教學領導,師生關係越良好;越能覺知學校提供各科學習方法或學習相關策略,及越能覺知教師引導個人學習動機,釐清學習困難,設定與完成學習目標,其同儕關係越良好。 五、中投區高中免試生較不能擬定及遵守讀書計畫,也較忽略預習。其主要的焦慮與心理衝突是:學不懂的課業內容累積、課業成績不如人,以及課程內容不符興趣與能力的挫折感。 六、高一、高學業成績、一般地區、第一層級的中投區高中免試生,學習方法和整體學習適應較良好。 七、女生、高三、通學距離近、高學業成績、公立學校、第一層級的中投區高中免試生較少心理衝突。 八、男生、高一、私立學校、第一次免試入學的中投區高中免試生,覺知學校環境設備與資源的情形較良好。 九、中投區高一免試生的學習適應和學習方法較高二免試生良好;通學距離近者較少心理衝突;中、高學業成績者的學習態度、家庭物質和心理環境較良好。 十、中投區高中部分免試生未能明顯感受學校課程特色,也覺知到較多教室周遭干擾學習的噪音。 依據本研究所獲結論,提出結論與具體建議,俾供教育行政主管機關、學校行政人員、未來研究之參考。
The study aimed to know the situation of learning adjustment and attitude to school administration of students with exam-free admission into senior high schools in Taichung-Nantou Area, and to analyze the correlation between the two conditions. This study was conducted with a questionnaire survey. Participants in this study consist of exam-free admissive Senior High School students in Taichung, Nantou and the joint school enrolled areas. Questionnaires were given to 819 students and 698 of which were valid. The data was dealt with SPSS 22.0 for Windows and presented by percentage statistics, standard deviation statistics, mean statistics, t-test,one way ANOVA and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient. The results of this study are as the fallowing: 1.The learning adjustment of students with exam-free admission into senior high schools in Taichung-Nantou Area is well, particularlly in learning environment. 2.The attitude to school administration of students with exam-free admission into senior high schools in Taichung-Nantou Area is well. 3. The student with better learning adjustment tend to have better attitude to school administration. 4. The students with better attitude to Principals' instructional leadership tend to have better teachers-students relationship. The students with better attitude to learning counselling tend to have better peer relationship. 5. Students with exam-free admission into senior high schools in Taichung-Nantou Area comparatively do not comply with the learning plan, also do not prepare for lessons before class. The more significant learning problems are the academic content, competition of academic achievement, and their uninterestingness in curriculum. 6. Freshman, high academic performance, general zone, and the first school level students tend to have better learning skills. 7. Female, senior, live near the school, high academic performance, public school, and the first school level students tend to have less inner conflict. 8. Male, freshman, private school, and the first exam-free enrollment students tend to have better attitude to school environment and facilities. 9. Sophomore are not as well as freshman in learning adjustment and skills. Students live near the school have less inner conflict. Students who have lower academic performance tend to have poor learning attitude and family environment. 10. Students with exam-free admission into senior high schools in Taichung-Nantou Area tend to have more awareness of the surrouding noise, and ignore the feature of school curriculum. The conclusions of the study are proposed as the reference for educational administrative authorities, school administrators and the future researchers.



後中免試入學方案, 學習適應, 學校行政作為, Exam-free Admission of Upper Secondary Schools and Junior Colleges, Learning Adjustment, School Administration





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