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本研究旨在探討臺北市國中特教班學生家長選擇學校的現況、考量因素及資訊來源,並分析不同背景變項家長間的差異情形。採用問卷調查法,以臺北市九十八學年度安置於國中特教班七年級學生家長為研究對象,自編「臺北市國中特教班學生家長選擇學校之調查問卷」做為研究工具,以普查方式發出155份問卷,預試有效問卷31份。正式有效問卷93份,將所得資料以次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差等統計方法進行處理。所得結果略述如下: 一、臺北市國中特教班學生家長已開始為子女做學校選擇。 二、不同背景變項的臺北市國中特教班學生家長其學校選擇的現況有所不同。在子女障礙類別為多重障礙及自閉症、障礙程度為極重度、小六接受特教班服務;及目前實際居住於外縣市、家長為高學歷、高社經地位時,有較高的比例進行學校選擇。 三、臺北市國中特教班學生家長選擇學校最主要的考量因素為師資及離家近。 四、不同背景變項的特教班學生家長對於選擇學校各考量因素向度的重要程度看待是有差異的。各向度重要性大致依照「學校理念」優於「教學與服務」優於「學校資源」優於「成就」優於「情感」優於「實用性」之排序,但亦因不同背景變項而有不一致的狀況。 五、臺北市國中特教班學生家長在為子女選擇學校時,最主要的資訊來源為「與孩子的國小老師討論」及「參觀學校」。 六、不同背景變項的特教班學生家長其選擇學校的資訊來源總量是有差異的。當子女障礙類型為自閉症、障礙程度為輕度、小六安置於資源班;家長有選擇學校經驗、目前居住於臺北市南區、高學歷、高社經地位時會使用較多的資訊管道來為子女選擇學校。 最後,根據研究結果提出建議,以供教育行政單位、學校當局、家長及未來相關研究之參考。
The purpose of this research was to investigate the school choice of parents for the junior high school students in self-contained special classes in Taipei. In this study, the current situation about parents` school choice, considered factors as well as sources of information were explored, and the differences among parents with different background variables were also discussed. A questionnaire survey was conducted in this research. Parents of the 7th grade students within the self-contained special classes in junior high school in Taipei City in the 98th school year were selected as the research objects. Using the self-redacted “Questionnaires of Parents` School Choices for Students in Self-Contained Special Classes in Junior High School in Taipei” as the research tool, a total of 155 questionnaires were distributed and 124 copies were returned. The data were later statistically processed with frequency distribution, percentage, average and standard deviation. Conclusions and findings made from statistical results were as follows: 1.In Taipei, the parents of the students in self-contained special classes in junior high school have been exercising school choice. 2.In exercising school choice, it varies with different parents` backgrounds. The study shows that parents having children with multiple disabilities or autism, parents having children with the very severe disability, or parents having children receiving special education in self-contained special classes in elementary school, the parents living outside the Taipei city and the parents with higher level of education and socioeconomic status got higher percentage in exercising school choice. 3.The most important considered factors when parents making school choice were the qualification of teachers and the distance from home to school. 4.Among the parents with different background, it differs when regarding these considered factors dimension for school choice. Ranking the degree of importance of considered factors dimension it approximately complied with “school management philosophy” prior to ”services” to ”school resource” to ”achievement” to “feeling” to “utility”. However, there are still some differences with different background variables among parents. 5.In Taipei city, the main sources of information for those parents with children in self-contained special classes come from parents` discussing with teachers in elementary school and visiting schools when they make school choices for their children. 6.Among the parents with different backgrounds, there were differences in the number of information sources used. Parents having children with autism or with the mild disability, and parents having children receiving special education in resource classroom in elementary school, as well as the parents with much experience in school choosing, parents living in the southern area of Taipei city, and parents with higher level of education and socioeconomic status tend to use more information sources when choosing school for their children. Finally, based on the research findings, recommendations were proposed as a reference for the authority concerned, schools, parents, and follow-up studies.



選擇學校, 身心障礙學生家長, 國中特教班, 考量因素, 資訊來源, School Choice, Parents of Students with Disabilities, Self-Contained Special Class, Considered Factors, Sources of Information

