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羽球比賽中,運動員擊球動作一致性能減少對手回擊球的準備時間,以取得場上的優勢。過去有研究指出高遠球、墜球和殺球三種後場正拍擊球動作在擊球前的預備動作沒有差異,在擊球瞬間動作有差異;但過去研究並未指出運動員在執行不同三種擊球,從擊球前的預備動作到擊球所發生改變的情形。本研究以運動行為中動力系統為理論,探索三種羽球高手擊球動作,擊球手臂肢段間的協調異同。目的:探討優秀羽球運動員在執行高遠球、墜球和殺球三種後場正拍擊球,和在不同意圖時實施這三種擊球方式時,其動作擊球手臂協調型態的差異。方法:分析8名優秀羽球運動員使用基本擊球動作和佯攻情境下動作, 分別執行高遠球、墜球和殺球三種後場正拍擊球動作,並把球擊到指定範圍區內。利用2台高速攝影機拍攝,以Kwon 3D 3.1軟體擷取腕、肘和肩等三個關節的運動學參數,製作角度變化圖。本研究之結果以二因子重複量數變異數分析考驗角角圖及相對相位等各項運動學參數在三種不同的擊球、兩種不同方法間的差異,顯著水準設定為α=.05。結果:不同擊球方法影響三種擊球在空間及時間的協調型態,在空間協調上肩關節比較穩定,而腕關節與肘關節變異性較大;在不同擊球類型,腕關節與肘關節的組合有穩定的協調時間。結論:運動員以不同意圖實施這三種擊球時,自引拍至擊球瞬間腕-肩關節的空間協調型態仍具有差異,可作為對手回擊的重要前線索之一。
Badminton in Asia has been a quite prevalent sport. In recent years, Taiwan's badminton players had great performance in the international competitions. In Badminton games, the consistent movement patterns of the swing are considered to be advantageous because of the reduction of the preparation time from the opponents before returning the shots . Literatures on the backcourt overhead strokes have indicated that there are no differences during the preparation phase of the strokes for the clear, drop, and smash shot, however, there are differences at the striking point of the 3 strokes. In this study, the coordination patterns of the forward swing from the 3 types of stroke were investigated based on the dynamical systems theory. Purpose: To investigate the differences of the coordination patterns of the clear, drop, and smash shot under the actual and deceiving conditions. Methods: Eight national level badminton players participated in the study. Two high-speed cameras and Kwon 3D 3.1 software were used to capture the kinematics of the joints of the wrist, elbow and shoulder. The two-way repeated measure ANOVA was used to analyze the angle-angle diagram and the relative phase of each pair of joints in three different shots and 2 different conditions. Results: The shoulder joints are more stable than the elbow and wrist joints in the spatial coordination pattern. The wrist and elbow joints are more stable in the temporal coordination pattern. Conclusions: The spatial coordination patterns of the shoulder-wrist joints from the swing phase to the striking phase are different when the deceiving shots are implemented. These differences can be used as the important pre cue for the receiving shots from the opponents.



羽球後場正拍擊球, 動力系統, 相對相位, 動作協調, badminton backcourt forehand shot, dynamical systems, relative phase, movement coordination

