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2014年以降,企業社會責任在臺灣蓬勃發展,尤其電子製造業是臺灣經濟發展的重要支柱,有部分企業為回饋社會早在多年前就透過成立企業基金會來實踐社參與。然而,過去由於資料的缺乏,有些研究僅能針對社會參與的現況進行討論;隨著法規日益嚴格,特定產業及大型上市上櫃公司皆被規範必須出具企業社會責任報告書,且部分電子製造業企業的社會參與經多年的發展已足具規模,所以本文欲進一步研究該產業企業之企業社會參與發展歷程。本文運用質性研究,訪談五家大型電子製造業企業之基金會,逐一探討社會參與的重要性、其態度及社會參與的轉變、如何階段性發展社會參與以及各企業之社會參與歷程有何差異等四項研究問題。 本研究發現可依序回應研究問題:針對研究問題一,當公司步入穩定成長的階段時,企業認知到回饋社會、發揚企業精神與經營理念的重要性,且受訪企業多選擇教育議題作為社會參與的利基點。針對研究問題二,起初支持社會參與行動的是企業領導者的道德動機,隨著時空環境的改變,企業逐漸傾向透過策略合作夥伴的專業來深化社會參與的廣度與深度。針對研究問題三,本文則是將社會參與分為三個發展階段。最後針對研究問題四,本文提出社會參與的內、外部差異來說明各企業社會參與的主要變數可能有哪些。回應以上四項研究問題後,再分別從中衍生出26項研究命題供後續研究進行驗證或延伸探討,另外,也透過訪談專家學者進行事後分析。本研究之研究成果可供企業社會責任及社會參與專責單位作為擬定發展策略之參考。
After 2014, Corporate Social Responsibility has been booming in Taiwan.It has become very important, especially for firms in the electronic manufacturing sector. In order to benefit the society, some firms have practiced social engagement by setting up corporate foundations about social engagement for many years. However, due to lack of data, some studies can only discuss the current situations about social engagement. With the increasingly strict regulations, firms in some certain industries are regulated to issue corporate social responsibility reports. The social engagement of an enterprise has received tremendous attention, so this article intends to further study the development of social engagement in firms of electronic manufacturing. Based on the qualitative research, for this article I interviewed six persons from five corporate foundations to discuss the importance of social engagement, their attitudes and changes in social engagement, how social engagement can be developed in stages, and how these firms approach social engagement differently. After responding to the four research questions, I derived 26 new propositions from the responses. These propositions can provide firms references for developing social engagement strategies, and for future research.



企業社會責任, 公司治理, 社會參與, 電子製造廠商, 企業基金會, 質性研究, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance, Social Engagement, Electronic Manufacturing Firms, Corporate Foundation, Qualitative Research





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