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本研究主要是比較對國中智能障礙學生施以兩種不同教學法對 其解數學文字題之成效與保留效果,此兩種教學法分別為直述教學及 圖示解題策略教學,並依智能障礙學生之特質選擇功能性數學為主要 教學材料。採用單一受試研究法中的交替處理法來比較兩種教學法對 學生解題表現之影響。研究對象選自研究者任教國中資源班二年級智 能障礙學生。篩選取樣的標準為經高雄縣鑑輔會鑑定為智能障礙之學 生中具有基本的加減計算能力。本研究之研究工具,分別有基本能力 評估用之中文年級認字量表、閱讀理解困難篩選測驗與數學概念評 量、正式教學使用之直述與圖示策略教學法與各單元學習評量,以及 教學後調查受試者對於兩種教學接受度調查表。 研究結果的資料採用視覺分析法進行處理,根據介入階段資料分 析結果,所有受試者在圖示輔助法中之成效並未顯著優於直述教學。 進一步比較兩種教學法介入階段之結果,發現三位受試者在圖示輔助 與直述教學介入階段皆無顯著成效;一名受試者在圖示輔助法中解題 有顯著成效,在直述教學中則無;另一名受試者在圖示輔助法解題無 顯著成效,但在直述教學中有顯著成效。根據保留階段資料分析結果, 圖示策略教學與直述教學之保留階段之z 值皆未達到統計上之顯著, 此兩種教學法在本次研究結果中皆達到維持之效果。 本研究分別就自編之接受度調查表及觀察來瞭解受試者對兩種 教學法之接受度,以調查表調查之結果而言,圖示策略教學獲得受試 者較多分數;以研究者觀察則是研究前期直述教學較高,後期兩種教 學法之接受度相當。因此,受試對於兩種教學法皆能接受,不同階段 對於不同教學法有不同的接受表現。 最後,根據本研究之研究結果對圖示策略解題之未來研究者及教 學使用者提出相關建議。
The main purpose of the research was mainly to compare intervention results and retention effects on solving arithmetic word problems between two different teaching methods by students with intellectual disabilities. Both teaching methods are respectively characterized by direct teaching and graphical representation. An alternating treatment design of the single subject research framework was employed to compare effects of both methods in problem solving performance. Participants of the study consisted of 5 students passing the screening assessment by Kaohsiung County Committee for Identification and Guidance. Research tools in this research included (1) the basic capability assessment in word attack of Chinese characters, (2) the reading comprehension screening test, (3) the researcher-designed acceptance questionnaire. Obtained data were processed by visual analysis and major findings were as follows: (A) Both methods were unable to achieve outcome to the extent to which each individual had reached his/her potential. (B) Further comparison indicated that both graphic representation and the direct teaching failed to produce significant effect in the intervention phase. (C) With regard to retention, both methods were able to sustain teaching effects for weeks. (D) In terms of acceptance, respondents seemed to favor graphic representation over direct teaching. Based on the above findings, further discussion was addressed and suggestions were proposed for practitioners and future researchers.



圖示策略, 智能障礙, 解題成效, 數學文字題, Graphic representations, direct teaching, intellectual disabilities, effects of problem solving, arithmetic word problems

