
dc.contributorLee, Chia-Jungen_US
dc.contributor.authorSu, Chia-Enen_US
dc.description.abstract國立臺灣師範大學 (以下簡稱為臺師大)為我國第一所將跆拳道運動種類列為正式必授學分課程的師資培育學校。早期跆拳道品勢用於晉段、晉級考試,2006年舉辦第1屆世界跆拳道品勢錦標賽,2018年列入亞運正式競賽項目,跆拳道品勢項目在國際競賽上備受重視。臺師大跆拳道代表隊於2006年開始發展品勢項目,在2022年世界跆拳道品勢錦標賽中獲得1金2銀佳績。研究目的:以國立臺灣師範大學跆拳道品勢代表隊作為個案研究,探討歷程及經營管理模式,作為我國運動代表隊發展之借鏡。研究方法:為質性研究之個案研究方法,參考相關文獻及檔案資料作為理論基礎,並透過臺師大品勢代表隊相關人士進行半結構式訪談之田野筆記,將文件編碼、歸納、分析出臺師大跆拳道品勢代表隊經營及運作的模式。研究結果:一、臺師大跆拳道運動項目於1968年起成立學校社團,1981年升格為運動代表隊,擁有55年歷史經驗,因此在跆拳道品勢項目發展時能夠與時俱進、奪得先機。二、臺師大品勢代表隊訓練內容與規畫仍不斷修正與改善,除優化教練師資之外,在動作技術中也逐漸融入運動科學原理,使得選手們更有效率達成運動巔峰。三、臺師大品勢代表隊在經營策略上致力尋求外在資源來提升代表隊的營運,且注重跆拳道品勢項目的表演性質,利用演出和參與國際賽事等,使其更具有發展及國際競爭力;管理層面則鼓勵選手主動參與團隊事務,培訓選手行政及領導能力,創造出多元學習與培育不同領域人才之環境。本研究希望透過探討臺師大跆拳道品勢代表隊的發展歷程與經營策略等有助其統整與規劃未來發展方向,且可作為各學校運動代表隊發展提供具體且有績效的實際運作參考資訊。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractNational Taiwan Normal University (hereinafter referred to as NTNU) is the first teacher training institution in our country to officially include Taekwondo as a mandatory credit course. In the early stages, Taekwondo Poomsae was used only for promotion and advancement exams. It was introduced as a competitive event in the 1st World Taekwondo Poomsae Championship in 2006 and was later included in the official program of the Asian Games in 2018, gaining significant recognition in international competitions. The NTNU Taekwondo team began developing Poomsae events in 2006 and has achieved outstanding results over the years, including 1 gold and 2 silver medals at the 2022 World Taekwondo Poomsae Championship. Purpose: This study focused on the NTNU Taekwondo Poomsae team as a case study to explore its historical development and management model, providing insights for the development and management of sports representative teams in schools throughout the country. Methods: This study adopted a qualitative research approach with a casestudy method. Relevant literature and archival data were served as the theoretical foundation. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with key individuals related to the NTNU Poomsae team, and field notes were taken. Document coding, induction, and analysis were used to understand the operation and management model of the NTNU Taekwondo Poomsae team. Results: Firstly, the NTNU Taekwondo sports program was established as a school club in 1968 and upgraded to a sports representative team in 1981. With 55 years of experience, the NTNU Taekwondo Poomsae team has been able to keep up with global sports trends and seize opportunities in the development of Taekwondo Poomsae events. Secondly, the training content and planning of the NTNU Poomsae team have been continuously revised and improved to keep up with international developments and theoretical foundations. The team optimized coaching resources and gradually integrated sports science principles into training methods and Poomsae techniques, enabling athletes to achieve peak performance more efficiently. Thirdly, the NTNU Poomsae team focused on seeking external resources to enhance its operation. They adapted to the performance nature of Taekwondo Poomsae events by utilizing performances and participating in international competitions, making the athletes more competitive and internationally recognized. At the management level, the team encouraged athletes to actively participate in team affairs, facilitating their training in administrative and leadership abilities, creating a diverse learning environment for nurturing talents in different fields. The research aims to gain insights into the developmental process and management strategies of the NTNU Taekwondo Poomsae team, and provide concrete and effective operational references for the development of sports representative teams in various schools.en_US
dc.subjectteam managementen_US
dc.subjectleadership managementen_US
dc.subjectdiversified developmenten_US
dc.titleResearch on the Management Strategies of National Taiwan Normal University Taekwondo Poomsae Teamen_US

