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本研究旨在探討以「ACCEPTS教學模式」教導國中啟智班智能障礙學生兩性互動之成效。研究方法採單一受試(single subject design)之跨受試之多探試設計(multiple probe design),並以問卷調查作為補充設計。本研究以立意取樣,研究對象選取台北市一所國中三名啟智班學生,三名受試在「魏氏兒裡智力量表」智商得分在53至70,並在ACCEPTS技能評量、以及社交測量中皆顯示有不適當的社會技能。實驗處理階段,每名受試接受ACCEPTS教學模式,教學涵蓋與人相處以及交朋友技巧兩個層面。所得資料以視覺分析及評分者信度考驗來進行探究分析,所得結果如下:
The purpose of this study was to explore effects of ACCEPTS on bisexual interaction for junior high school students with mental retardation. The multiple probe design of single subject study was employed in this study to assess skill levels in getting along with others and making friends. A purposive sampling strategy based on social status measure and ACCEPTS skill placement was adopted. Three ages 13 to 15 participants, from seventh grade to ninth grade, with IQs from 53 to 70 were selected from three self-contained classes of a middle school of Taipei. Data were presented by graphic method and analyzed by visual analysis format. The results of this study indicated that: 1. The ACCEPTS could broaden three subjects’ skills in getting along with others. After instruction, their performance also could reach the target standard. 2. The ACCEPTS could improve three subjects’ skills in making friends. After teaching, their performance also could attain to the target level. 3. The effectiveness of the ACCEPTS in improving skills in getting along with others and making friends of three subjects was in accordance with expectation of participants’ teachers and parents. Base on the above-mentioned results, some recommendations for the limitations of this study and further studies were made.
The purpose of this study was to explore effects of ACCEPTS on bisexual interaction for junior high school students with mental retardation. The multiple probe design of single subject study was employed in this study to assess skill levels in getting along with others and making friends. A purposive sampling strategy based on social status measure and ACCEPTS skill placement was adopted. Three ages 13 to 15 participants, from seventh grade to ninth grade, with IQs from 53 to 70 were selected from three self-contained classes of a middle school of Taipei. Data were presented by graphic method and analyzed by visual analysis format. The results of this study indicated that: 1. The ACCEPTS could broaden three subjects’ skills in getting along with others. After instruction, their performance also could reach the target standard. 2. The ACCEPTS could improve three subjects’ skills in making friends. After teaching, their performance also could attain to the target level. 3. The effectiveness of the ACCEPTS in improving skills in getting along with others and making friends of three subjects was in accordance with expectation of participants’ teachers and parents. Base on the above-mentioned results, some recommendations for the limitations of this study and further studies were made.
ACCETPS教學模式, 智能障礙, 社會技巧, ACCEPTS, mental retardation, social skill