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隨著國內經濟與社會環境變化以及科技的進步,消費者在民生消費時,偏好便利迅速、舒適安全等更具附加價值的購物體驗,此外,年輕族群偏好高性價比 (Cost/Performance Ratio;C/P值)及平價流行風潮,因此,綜合商品零售業成為臺灣不可或缺的民生消費產業。綜合商品零售通路以提供多種品類且具高性價比(C/P值)等多元化商品組合,作為吸引消費者選擇購物地點的重要經營策略。寶雅美妝生活百貨店(英文:POYA,以下簡稱寶雅)成立於1985年,目前為臺灣綜合商品零售業界中,經營個人美妝及生活精品百貨零售通路的領導者,以營造具「美麗、流行、精彩」、空間佔地平均400多坪的大型商場,提供6萬多項嚴選的優良商品,明亮寬敞、陳列整齊及舒適完善的購物環境,滿足顧客一次購足的便利性及豐富多元的購物樂趣,成為女性消費者的購物天堂。寶雅的客群介於15-49歲的女性,憑藉「差異化經營」創造年營收百億的驚人表現,並持續維持差異化的展店計畫、商品種類多樣性及獨特鮮明的店面型態等經營策略,成為獲利致勝關鍵之一,與同類型的競爭者相比,居於領先地位;截至2023年1月底,寶雅在全台總店數為320家,會員人數超過600萬人,全台相繼展店、逆勢成長,實有其競爭優勢。本研究藉由臺灣綜合商品零售產業的「五力分析」探討綜合商品零售產業的競爭態勢與獲利水平,並統整出「規模化經營」、「差異化的購物體驗」及「跨通路經營」等三大關鍵競爭優勢因素。此外,透過「SWOT」探討寶雅的競爭者分析,瞭解其差異化定位、供應鏈佈局、獨特競爭優勢及創新策略等。另以寶雅現階段各事業發展概況,透過BCG矩陣進行解析,得出明星事業為「生活日用品」及「美妝美材保養品」,金牛事業為「精緻個人用品」、瘦狗事業為「流行內衣襪」及問號事業為「新品牌-寶家POYA HOME」。面對國內綜合商品零售產業高度競爭壓力下,寶雅除了引進國、內外個性化、精緻化、年輕化及流行化之精選品牌商品外,更需要提升消費者的知覺價值,方能夠增加服務品質、滿意度與忠誠度,避免流失顧客。為了瞭解消費者對於寶雅的知覺價值、服務品質、顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度認知程度,本研究以大台北地區的消費者為調查對象,採用網路問卷調查及便利抽樣方式,進行實證研究,共計發出問卷230份,有效問卷為230份,研究統計分析採用Excel 2016 統計函數作為資料分析工具,以敘述統計分析方法,說明調查結果。研究結果:寶雅消費者知覺價值屬於中高程度,服務品質屬於中高程度、顧客滿意度屬於高等程度,顧客忠誠度屬於中等程度,且衡量構面中以整體滿意度平均得分最高,顯示消費者對於寶雅的評價是良好且滿意度高。最後,本研究根據綜合商品零售產業市場趨勢,以寶雅近年的發展及未來可臨的挑戰等面向,針對其經營管理策略及商業模式給予建議。
With changes in the domestic economy, society and technological advancements, consumers now seek more value-added shopping experiences that offer convenience, speed, comfort and safety. Integrated commodity retail sales channels, which provide diversified product bundling, various categories of goods, high cost/performance ratio and the advantage of one-stop shopping, are key business strategies to attract consumers.Established in 1985, POYA now leadsthe personal beauty and integrated commodity retail sales industry in Taiwan, achieving the annual revenue of more than ten billions and having 320 stores and six million members across Taiwan as of the end of January 2023. Also, with its bright, spacious, and neatly arranged displays, POYA provides a comfortable shopping environment, offers affordable and high-quality products to cater to the target audience aging between 15 to 49, years old. With its"differentiated management" to create an amazing performance of 10 billion dollars in annual revenue, POYA continues to maintain its business strategies such as differentiated store expansion plans, product variety and unique and distinctive store formats, which has become one of the keys to profitability and leads the way compared to similar competitors; as of the end of January 2023, POYA has 320 total stores in Taiwan, with over 6 million members, and has been expanding one after another throughout Taiwan. As of the end of January 2023, the total number of stores in Taiwan is 320 and the number of members is over 6 million.This study explores “Five Forces Analysis” to examine the competitive situation and profitability of comprehensive commodity retail industry in Taiwan. It analyses three material factors of “scale operation”, “differentiated shopping experience” and “cross-channel operation” to provide insights into the industry with respect to the competitive advantage. In addition, this study conducts a competitor analysis through “SWOT” to understand POYA’s differentiated positioning, supply chain presence, unique competitive advantages and innovation strategies, etc. Besides, based on the current business development situation of POYA, this study utilizes the BCG matrix to evaluate its product portfolio. The results indicate that POYA’s Star business includes “daily necessities” and “beauty and skin care products, while its Taurus business comprises “exquisite personal items”. Its Thin Dog business contains “popular underwear and socks” and Question Mark business is “new brand- POYA HOME”.To understand consumers’ perceptions of POYA’s perceived value, service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty, this study conducted an empirical investigation of consumers in the greater Taipei area by online questionnaires. A total of 230 valid questionnaires were collected, and the study used the descriptive statistical to explain the survey results. The research findings indicate that: The perceived value of POYA is medium-high, service quality is medium-high, customer satisfaction is high, and customer loyalty is medium, and the average score of overall satisfaction is the highest among the measurement components.To sum up, according to the market trend of the comprehensive commodity retail industry, this study gives suggestions on the management strategy and business model of POYA in terms of its development in recent years and the challenges it may face in the future.
With changes in the domestic economy, society and technological advancements, consumers now seek more value-added shopping experiences that offer convenience, speed, comfort and safety. Integrated commodity retail sales channels, which provide diversified product bundling, various categories of goods, high cost/performance ratio and the advantage of one-stop shopping, are key business strategies to attract consumers.Established in 1985, POYA now leadsthe personal beauty and integrated commodity retail sales industry in Taiwan, achieving the annual revenue of more than ten billions and having 320 stores and six million members across Taiwan as of the end of January 2023. Also, with its bright, spacious, and neatly arranged displays, POYA provides a comfortable shopping environment, offers affordable and high-quality products to cater to the target audience aging between 15 to 49, years old. With its"differentiated management" to create an amazing performance of 10 billion dollars in annual revenue, POYA continues to maintain its business strategies such as differentiated store expansion plans, product variety and unique and distinctive store formats, which has become one of the keys to profitability and leads the way compared to similar competitors; as of the end of January 2023, POYA has 320 total stores in Taiwan, with over 6 million members, and has been expanding one after another throughout Taiwan. As of the end of January 2023, the total number of stores in Taiwan is 320 and the number of members is over 6 million.This study explores “Five Forces Analysis” to examine the competitive situation and profitability of comprehensive commodity retail industry in Taiwan. It analyses three material factors of “scale operation”, “differentiated shopping experience” and “cross-channel operation” to provide insights into the industry with respect to the competitive advantage. In addition, this study conducts a competitor analysis through “SWOT” to understand POYA’s differentiated positioning, supply chain presence, unique competitive advantages and innovation strategies, etc. Besides, based on the current business development situation of POYA, this study utilizes the BCG matrix to evaluate its product portfolio. The results indicate that POYA’s Star business includes “daily necessities” and “beauty and skin care products, while its Taurus business comprises “exquisite personal items”. Its Thin Dog business contains “popular underwear and socks” and Question Mark business is “new brand- POYA HOME”.To understand consumers’ perceptions of POYA’s perceived value, service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty, this study conducted an empirical investigation of consumers in the greater Taipei area by online questionnaires. A total of 230 valid questionnaires were collected, and the study used the descriptive statistical to explain the survey results. The research findings indicate that: The perceived value of POYA is medium-high, service quality is medium-high, customer satisfaction is high, and customer loyalty is medium, and the average score of overall satisfaction is the highest among the measurement components.To sum up, according to the market trend of the comprehensive commodity retail industry, this study gives suggestions on the management strategy and business model of POYA in terms of its development in recent years and the challenges it may face in the future.
POYA寶雅, 五力分析, SWOT分析, BCB矩陣, 競爭策略, 知覺價值, 服務品質, 顧客滿意度, 顧客忠誠度, POYA, Five Forces Analysis, SWOT Analysis, BCB Matrix, Competitive Strategy, Perceived Value, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty