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本研究主要目的為運用「問題導向學習法」(problem-based learning,簡稱PBL)建構高中資源班自閉症學生的社會技巧學習,並分析參與問題導向學習法應用於社會技巧學習的自閉症學生,在人際互動的改變與效果,以及其於教學後在真實情境下類化社會技巧能力的成效。本研究招收五位高中資源班自閉症學生,利用六週,每週兩節,共計十二節的時間,以團體的方式進行,連結學生的生活經驗,使學生學習步驟化、科學化的探究人際互動議題,並在小組中分享與討論。本研究採行動研究,在過程中不斷修正與反思「問題導向學習法」的操作歷程,PBL實施過程採六步驟:問題情境分析、蒐集資料、資料分析、社會技巧策略擬定、社會技巧策略執行、歷程反思。為達研究目的所蒐集的資料包含:課堂錄影及觀察記錄摘要表、訪談紀錄、社會技巧能力自我檢核∕導師評量表、研究日誌及其他相關資料。研究結果顯示,運用問題導向學習法於社會技巧學習,對於五位高中資源班自閉症學生是有正向的影響,在與人互動的主動性增加,以及對於解決問題更加積極,且五位研究對象在真實情境下的社會技巧能力均顯著提升。本研究之研究價值在於提供PBL可有效應用於高中資源班自閉症學生的社會技巧能力學習中,且能將所習得之人際互動能力有效類化於真實情境。
The purpose of this study was to explore the process of the “problem-based learning” (PBL), applying in senior high school students with autism, and analyze the changes and effects of their interpersonal interactions. Also, this study was to explore the effects of their abilities to generalize social skills in real-world situations after teaching. This study recruited five senior high school resource class students with autism, and was conducted in 12 sessions (two sessions per week). By using PBL, the researcher connected students' related experience so that they could learn step by step and solve interpersonal problems. Students were able to learn how to solve human interaction issues, make self-reflection, and take part in the discussion. This study was conducted with action research. The data of research were gathered from course videos, classroom observation records, interview records, social skills ability self-assessment/mentor assessment forms, researcher’s journals, and other relevant information. The results of the study showed that the problem-based learning had a positive impact on the subjects’ social skills. It showed that the subjects’ interpersonal initiative abilities increased. They also became more active in solving interpersonal problems. The social skills of the research subjects in the real situation were significantly improved. The study suggested that the application of PBL to autism students’ learning of social skills in senior high definitely helped them to effectively generalize the acquired interpersonal interaction skills to real situations.



問題導向學習法, 高中自閉症學生, 社會技巧能力, 行動研究, problem-based learning, senior high school students with autism, social skills, action research





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