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本研究目的在探討使用心智圖筆記對學生創造性思考及科學學習成就之影響。研究採準實驗設計,對象為台中市某國小五年級學生六個班級,合計187人。六個班級隨機分派三組,分別為心智圖筆記組、條列式筆記組、不使用筆記組。心智圖筆記組學生在植物世界單元授課前,接受為期十週心智圖繪圖訓練。在植物單元教學前後施測「陶倫斯圖形版創造性思考測驗」及「學習成就測驗」,從共變數分析及變異數分析結果發現,在創造性思考測驗中「流暢」、「獨創」及「開放」向度 (p< .01);學習成就測驗中「記憶」、「應用」及「分析」向度,心智圖筆記組學生表現優於其他兩組 (p < .05)。從心智圖學習情形調查表中得知,71% 學生接受心智圖做筆記的學習方式,57% 學生願意在未來學習活動中繼續使用心智圖筆記。學生的心智圖筆記則呈現學生對於植物構造與功能的整體了解。最後,研究者建議在一般自然科學課程教學中,學生運用心智圖做筆記,以提昇學生學習成就表現,及促進其創造思考能力。未來研究則可再進一步發展運用心智圖筆記培養學生進行科學寫作歷程。
This study aimed to explore the impact of note-taking by utilizing mind mapping strategy on students’ creative thinking and science achievement. This study applied quasi-experimental design. The participants were 187 5th graders from six classes. The six classes were randomly assigned to three groups- Mind Mapping group, Conventional note-taking group, and Control group. Students in Mind Mapping group practiced the strategy for ten weeks before the Plant World unit. Students’ measures on “the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking” and “the Achievement Test of Plants Concept” were collected before and after the unit. From the ANOVA and ANCOVA on gained Torrance test scores and science achievement scores, we found that Mind Mapping group outperformed the other two groups on scales of Fluency, Originality, and Resistance to Premature Closure in the Torrance test (p< .01) and Knowledge, Application and Analysis scales in the science achievement test (p < .05). Seventy-one percents of students self-reported that they accept the learning style of taking mind mapping notes, and fifty-seven percents of students are willing to using mind mapping strategy in their future learning activities. Students illustrate their understanding of structure & function of plants in their mind mapping notes. Finally, it is suggested that students can take mind mapping notes ingeneral science curriculum, in order to promote their performance of achievement, as well as their creative thinking. We also could apply mind mapping notes to develop the process of science writing further in the future.
This study aimed to explore the impact of note-taking by utilizing mind mapping strategy on students’ creative thinking and science achievement. This study applied quasi-experimental design. The participants were 187 5th graders from six classes. The six classes were randomly assigned to three groups- Mind Mapping group, Conventional note-taking group, and Control group. Students in Mind Mapping group practiced the strategy for ten weeks before the Plant World unit. Students’ measures on “the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking” and “the Achievement Test of Plants Concept” were collected before and after the unit. From the ANOVA and ANCOVA on gained Torrance test scores and science achievement scores, we found that Mind Mapping group outperformed the other two groups on scales of Fluency, Originality, and Resistance to Premature Closure in the Torrance test (p< .01) and Knowledge, Application and Analysis scales in the science achievement test (p < .05). Seventy-one percents of students self-reported that they accept the learning style of taking mind mapping notes, and fifty-seven percents of students are willing to using mind mapping strategy in their future learning activities. Students illustrate their understanding of structure & function of plants in their mind mapping notes. Finally, it is suggested that students can take mind mapping notes ingeneral science curriculum, in order to promote their performance of achievement, as well as their creative thinking. We also could apply mind mapping notes to develop the process of science writing further in the future.
心智圖, 植物概念學習, 筆記, 創造思考, mind-mapping, concept of plants, note-taking, creative thinking