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樸月的第一本小說《西風獨自涼》出版於西元一九八〇年代,而第二本文學家系列的歷史小說《來如春夢去似雲》出版於一九九〇年代並持續創作不輟,雖然樸月並不常被研究者討論,但她的作品不只在台灣出版,在中國也有相當的影響力。一九八〇、九〇年代以降,是台灣迅速發展的時期,文學創作的面相更加自由多元。樸月歷史小說中的文學家系列,展現了透過愛情視角重新書寫歷史人物的意圖,透過納蘭容若、蘇軾兩位詞人的愛情故事,展現她所認同的價值觀,並試圖透過「重寫型」的小說回應自己所處的社會、時代問題。 樸月以「詞本事」的模式建構她的歷史小說,因此詩詞以及文學典故在樸月的小說中佔據相當大的比例,兩部小說皆非常有系統的將詞人之詞作織羅其中。將詞作中的情感「本事化」,為那一闋詞鋪陳一個故事,這種作法自古有之,然而樸月的作品中透過詩詞與小說情節的互相渲染,比傳統「本事」以情節證實詩詞作品之間的情感層次更加豐厚。 在樸月筆下女性角色所共同擁有的性個特質是繼承自明末清初才子佳人小說當中的佳人的「真情」與「定情」,對所愛之人從一而終,而不惜受苦、犧牲。樸月以歷史作為載體,其重點書寫愛情和兩性關係,相比有情人歷經磨難而終成眷屬的情節,樸月所強調的愛情觀是一種透過愛情所呈現的美好人格特質。 雖然學界關於樸月作品的研究比較少,然而樸月以詞本事的模式演繹小說,以愛情視角詮釋歷史人物的寫作模式非常特殊,關於樸月的研究還有許多空白等待填補。而透過觀察樸月的「文學家系列」與社會思潮的關係,發現樸月的創作附著在性別與族群的論述架構之下,與時代的氛圍與背景息息相關,都呈現了當時的時代特色,除了召喚讀者對中華文化的喜愛與懷念之外,族群意識也成為小說成功的背景因素。樸月的書寫策略讓其作品處於通俗小說與嚴肅小說的模糊地帶,讓兩種閱讀傾向的讀者產生共鳴。而樸月身為女性,對於愛情、家庭的想像雖然趨向保守,然而樸月所提倡的,乃是透過對於愛情、道德嚮往的心志,支持人們在充滿限制的現實世界生活。在愛情以及性別關係當中,也帶來了一種新的思考模式。
Pu-Yue(樸月)'s first historical fiction “Engulfed Alone in Chilly West Wind Blowing“(《西風獨自涼》) was published in the 1980s, and the second one “Come Like a Sspring Dream and Leave Like Cloud“ (《來如春夢去似雲》) was published in the 1990s. after then, she continues creating historical fictions, and her works are not only famous in Taiwan but also have considerable influence in China. Historical fiction is a kind of rewriting novels. This study analyses Pu-Yue's Rewriting novels which were published in 1980s and 1990s. The 1980s and 1990s have been a period of rapid development in Taiwan, and the face of literary creation has become freer and diverser. Pu-Yue chose Nalan Xingde and Su Shi as the protagonists of the novels to write love stories of historical figures, in order to show her view of love and respond to the social issues at that time.Pu-Yue tried to write the background stories about Nalan Xingde and Su Shi’s Ci poem. Therefore, poems and literary allusions occupy a large proportion of Pu-Yue's novels, both novels systematically integrated the Ci poems of the poets. Through the mutual rendering of poems and plots in the novel, the emotional level is richer. The novels using history as a carrier, it focuses on writing love and relationship between the sexes. This paper used cultural study perspective to analyze the genderimage and ethnic issues. The results of the study were that though her view of love is not modish at that time, however the spirit of the protagonists can encourage readers to facing a dilemma bravely.



樸月, 歷史小說, 重寫型小說, 西風獨自涼, 來如春夢去似雲, Pu-Yue, Historical fiction, Rewriting Novels, Nalan Xingde, Su Shi

