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  本研究旨在探討教師之性態度、性教育教學經驗、性教育專業行為與性教育需求,及不同個人與工作背景變項與其之差異情形,並探討教師之性態度、性教育專業行為及性教育需求間的關係。本研究採問卷調查方式,以自編「國民中學啟智班性教育實施研究問卷」進行調查,以分層隨機方式發出198份問卷,有效回收問卷157份。   根據本研究之發現,可歸納以下結論:一、在性態度方面,國中啟智班教師的性態度傾向正向。二、在性教育教學經驗方面,國中啟智班教師曾教授的內容主要為保護自己,較常使用的教學方法為口頭說明,較常發現學生與性相關的行為為觸碰自己的性器官,實施性教育時感到困難項目主要是欠缺相關資源與輔助教材。三、在性教育專業行為方面,國中啟智班教師主要採個別輔導方式。四、在性教育需求方面,國中啟智班教師希望參與性教育研習主題主要為性教育教材教法,希望研習天數為三天內,於寒暑假期間舉辦,主辦單位以大學特教系所與特教資源中心為佳,多數教師願意參與性教育研習。五、國中啟智班教師的性態度,因個人的年齡、特教專業背景、性教育經驗、學校型態不同,而有差異。教師的教學方法,因個人的性別、性教育經驗不同,而有差異。教師希望參與性教育研習主題,則因個人的年齡、婚姻、啟智班任教年資不同,而有顯著差異。六、國中啟智班教師的性態度與性教育需求呈顯著正相關,性教育專業行為與性教育需求呈顯著負相關。
The purposes of this study were to explore self-contained classes teachers' sexual attitudes, their teaching experiences of sexuality education, their professional behavior of sexuality education, their demand for sexuality education, their individual differences based on different personal and employment backgrounds, and the relations among teachers' sexual attitudes, professional behavior of sexuality education and demand for sexuality education. The research employed a survey methodology, using a self-made "A Survey on the Practice of Sexuality Education in Self-Contained Classes in Junior High Schools". One hundred and ninety-eight questionnaires were sent out randomly with 157 valid returns.   The main findings of this study were as follows: (1) In terms of sexual attitudes, teachers of self-contained classes in junior high tended to have positive sexual attitudes. (2) In regard to their teaching experiences of sexuality education, they taught students to learn how to protect themselves. Oral discussion is usually the major teaching method used in class. Touching private parts is the most found sexual behavior among students. Lack of relevant resources and supplementary teaching materials made sexuality education hard to practice in school. (3) In the respect of professional behavior of sexuality education, teachers did individual counseling. (4) As to the demand for sexuality education, teachers wished to have a three-day course, taken in summer and winter breaks provided by university special education departments and special education resource centers with a topic on pedagogical strategies of teaching materials for sexuality education. Most teachers were willing to take such a course. (5) The sexual attitudes of junior high school teachers of self-contained classes varied with individual ages, backgrounds of special education profession, experiences of sex education, and types of school. The teaching methods of teachers differed with individual gender and experiences of sexuality education. Because of individual differences on age, marriage status, and experiences of teaching self-contained classes, the course topic preferences among teachers also marked a major difference. (6) For the junior high school teachers of self-contained classes, there were positive correlations between sexual attitudes and demand for sexuality education. But there appeared to be negative correlations between their professional behavior of sexuality education and demand for sexuality education.



啟智班, 性態度, 性教育, self-contained class, sexual attitude, sexuality education

