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近年來由越南經濟發展得越來越好,社會比較穩定下來,國民所得漸漸提升,休閒的時間也是相對提高,觀光旅遊逐漸成為國民重要的休閒活動之一。且隔兩年一次在順化古都都舉辦「Festival Hue」,峴港市亦舉辦「世界煙火比賽」,因此已吸引許多國內外遊客來中部參訪。然而,觀光意象的建立對於觀光地區的發展有顯著的影響力,觀光客的目的地意象將決定該地區之發展。 順化古都由於其歷史文化背景與地理位置較特殊,於1993年順化古都以「順化古跡建築群」名義被聯合國教科文組織收入世界文化遺產名錄。因此,順化古都目前是越南中部地區重要的觀光景點,這幾年來遊客人數不斷增加。本研究以「順化古都地區」國內旅客作為實證研究對象,研究目的旨在探討順化古都國內遊客的旅遊目的地意象、觀光吸引力與滿意度之間的影響程度與關係。 本研究以量化研究作為調查方法,於2015年4月10至5月03日於順化古都地區進行問卷調查,抽樣方法為便利抽樣,總共發放出500份問卷,回收有效問卷479份,有效問卷回收達95.8%。問卷回收之後,本研究以SPSS 22.0統計套裝軟體進行資料處理,主要資料分析法採用敘述性統計、因素分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析以及多元迴歸分析等方法。研究結果發現: 一、 遊客樣本男性多於女性,婚姻為未婚旅客為主,年齡類別以21-30歲最多 ,教育程度為大學畢業居多,大多來自中部地區 ,職業類別以大學生身分的遊客最多。越南遊客對於順化古都整體目的地意象以「購物與服務」構面得分最高;觀光吸引力以「人文歷史」構面得分最高;滿意度以「服務設施」構面得分最高。 二、 越南籍遊客的背景不同在目的地意象具有顯著差異,但是性別、年齡與職業對目的地意象構面的建築、購物與服務及自然環境未達到顯著差異。 三、越南籍遊客的背景不同在觀光吸引力具有部份顯著差異,其中職業對特殊活動與心理層面未達顯著差異。 四、越南籍遊客的背景不同在滿意度具有部分顯著差異,但教育程度對滿意度沒有顯著差異,年齡對產品滿意度皆未達到顯著水準。 五、目的地意象對滿意度有部分直接顯著影響 ,特別是目的地意象的建築層面對服務設施、外觀感受及產品滿意度未達到顯著水準。 六、觀光吸引力對滿意度具有顯著影響。
Travel becomes one of the most important recreational activities in Vietnam because of the developmental economy, society stabilities, national income improvement, and people have more time to spend on recreation. Besides, there are more and more tourists from all over the world to visit Vietnam due to the “Festival Hue” and the “Danang International Fireworks Competition” activities. However, the establishment of tourist image has a significant influence on the development on tourism attraction. Tourist image can be determined into three stages, where it can affect tourist’s imagination before, in or after visiting. Hue, the ancient capital is nominated as one of the UNESCO World Heritages in 1993 because of its cultural background and special geographical location. Thus, Hue currently became an important tourism attraction by the increasing number of visitors in the central region of Vietnam. In this study, the purpose was to explore the relationship between destination image, tourism attraction and customer satisfaction by investigating the domestic tourists in Hue. This study distributed 479 questionnaires in Hue, ranging from 10th of April to 2nd of May by using convenience sampling. The main findings of this study examined the relationship between destination image, tourism attraction and customer satisfaction. The results of this study are to provide Thua Thien - Hue relevant government and local tourism companies some implications for future tourism marketing strategies. This study uses SPSS 22.0 statistical software for data processing. Research method applied in this study include reliability analysis, item analysis, description analysis, factor analysis, independent-sample t-test, one-way ANOVA analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis. The result shows that there are significant differences between their income and career, on the other hand, the other item have no significant difference.The study results show: 1. Most of the tourist were male, unmarried status, ages 21-30, level of education undergraduates), mostly from the central of Vietnam. The destination image was "shopping and services" with highest score facets; The tourist attraction was “cultural and historical” with highest score facets; The satisfaction was with "Services" facets highest score. 2. In terms of demographic variables regarding Vietnamese tourists, differences are found among destination image, but need to say that three factors of destination image include sexuality, age, occupation with architecture, shopping and services, natural environment have not any significant difference. 3. In terms of demographic variables regarding Vietnamese tourists, differences are found among Tourism attraction, Vietnamese tourists from different backgrounds have a partially significant differences in tourist attraction, there are significant differences only in occupation for special events and psychological. 4. In satisfaction part, Vietnamese tourists with different backgrounds have partially significant differences, only the education level this part no significant, the age of product satisfaction did not significant. 5. Destination image has a direct influence on satisfaction. In particular of this architectural service, outlook feel, and product satisfaction did not significant. 6. Tourism attraction has a direct influence on satisfaction.



目的地意象, 觀光吸引力, 滿意度, 順化古都, Destination image, Tourism attraction, Satisfaction, Hue





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