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自閉症影片示範教學具備良好的實證基礎,然實務現場使用不普及。本研究嘗試以強化影片示範相關效能的方式欲提升其使用普及性。利用影片示範教學易與其他教學方式或元素結合的特色,本研究使用國家科學及技術委員會補助計畫「建構科技進化i 版自閉症影片示範三級教學介入模式(i-3TVM)與原3TVM 模式成效比較」(110-2628-H-003 -003 -MY3)科技融入研發之體感式互動遊戲,並比較其與對應的傳統影片示範教學之成效,以俾瞭解科技融入的效能是否有比傳統影片示範教學為佳。體感式互動遊戲所對應的傳統影片示範種類為一般性視點示範,兩者皆以第一人稱視角進行。本研究旨在比較傳統一般性視點示範影片和體感式互動遊戲在教導兩名學齡前自閉症幼兒習得洗手技能的教學成效,以提供未來提升自閉症實證教學普及性做參考。本研究採單一受試研究法中的交替處理設計,針對兩名就讀普通幼兒園具有洗手學習需求的自閉症學生進行兩種教學介入並比較。本研究共分四階段進行:基線期、介入期、最佳介入期與維持期,介入時機為進入班級教室前之洗手情境,以丟硬幣隨機決定介入先後順序,並以視覺分析確認本研究之成效與影響。同時,採用問卷調查和半結構式訪談收集兩位教師之觀點,以瞭解本研究體感式互動遊戲之社會效度。本研究結果顯示信效度優良,兩名學齡前自閉症幼兒在兩種教學介入方式下,均在體感式互動遊戲表現出比較好的學習成效,並能維持穩定的表現且達成目標洗手行為。而兩位研究對象教師認為體感式互動遊戲對學齡前自閉症幼兒更具吸引力,能夠引起幼兒的學習興趣,對於體感式互動遊戲的優勢表示讚許,然而,受限於教育現場的資源及生態,兩位教師仍優先選擇一般性視點示範影片進行教學。
Video modeling is underused in autism education despite its empirical foundation. This study attempts to enhance the popularity of video modeling by using its characteristics of easily combining with others. This research employs a technology-integrated, Kinect-based video games developed through the National Science and Technology Council project, titled" Constructing technology-advanced i-version three-tier video modeling intervention model (i-3TVM) on individuals with autism and comparing effects with 3TVM " (ID: 110-2628-H-003-003-MY3). And it compares with traditional point-of-view videos, both using a first-person perspective. This study assesses whether technology integration benefits teaching hand-washing to two preschoolers with autism. This study, utilizing a single-subject research design with alternating treatments, assesses the effectiveness of two interventions for hand-washing skills in two participants. The research comprises four phases: baseline, intervention, optimal intervention, and maintenance. Intervention precedes classroom entry and is randomly ordered via coin toss. Visual analysis evaluates effectiveness, while two teachers' perspectives on the Kinect-based video games' social validity are gathered through surveys and interviews. The results of this study indicate excellent reliability and validity. Both participants showed improved learning with Kinect-based video games, maintaining stable hand-washing performance. Both teachers found these games more engaging for autistic preschoolers, sparking their learning interest. However, due to resource constraints and educational context, they leaned toward traditional demonstration videos for teaching.



一般性視點示範影片, 比較設計, 自閉症, 教師觀點, 體感式互動遊戲, ASD, comparison, Kinect-based game, point-of-view video modeling, teachers' perspectives





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