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National Taiwan Normal University Department of History
National Taiwan Normal University Department of History
春秋時代與西漢初年,江南有吳國,史籍稱當地之人為「吳人」。兩漢時期江南設有吳郡、吳縣,「吳人」即吳郡或吳縣之人。漢末孫吳割據江南之後,「吳人」才穩定的成為南方人之代稱。西晉滅吳之後,仍沿稱「吳人」,又稱「南人」。東晉時期流寓江左之僑人當政,史籍仍常見有「吳人」與「南人」之語,一般認為兩者可相互用,直到南朝。不過瀏覽史文,另有足堪玩味之處。東晉政權成立之後,帶有國族意識的「吳人」用語, 卻形同禁忌而遽減, 代之以一般地域意識的「南人」。南朝之後,「吳人」與「南人」的概念又有新的發展。到南北朝後期,「吳」卻又清楚牢固地成為南方的意象,隋唐之後的詩文仍常見「吳兒」為南方人的代稱。以上這些人群稱呼的變化,背後皆隱含著極其複雜的政治社會情境。然而,已往學界對於這些變動的研究尚多不足。本文全面蒐集史籍之「吳人」、「南人」用語,考察這些用語背後之地域意識,並探討六朝時期這些地域意識的轉變,及其背後隱含的歷史意義。
The residents to the south of the Yangtze River, in what is traditionally known as the Jiangnan region of China, are referred to in historical documents from the Zhou and Han dynasties as "the people of Wu." These same people are also frequently referred to as "the people of the South." The two terms were used more or less interchangeably until the Three Kingdoms period, when China was divided into the kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wu. With the founding of the Eastern Jin dynasty, however, the term "the People of Wu," which evoked strong memories of the erstwhile Kingdom of Wu, disappears completely from our historical records: the use of the term had become taboo. This paper explores the ramifications of the different ways of referring to the residents of the Jiangnan region. Its purview includes not only the period leading up to the Eastern Jin dynasty, but also the various dynasties that came afterwards. It notes, for instance, that a third term, "the Children of Wu," is frequently used in the poetry and prose of the Sui and Tang dynasties to refer to "southerners." These changes in nomenclature imply a complicated socio-political scenario; and yet, attempts by historians to document and explain these changes have been few and far between. The present study attempts toremedy the situation. It is a comprehensive examination of the use of the terms "the people of Wu" and "the people of the South" in our historical records. It investigates how these terms are closely associated with regional identity. It also considers the historical significance of the change in names during the Six Dynasties period.
The residents to the south of the Yangtze River, in what is traditionally known as the Jiangnan region of China, are referred to in historical documents from the Zhou and Han dynasties as "the people of Wu." These same people are also frequently referred to as "the people of the South." The two terms were used more or less interchangeably until the Three Kingdoms period, when China was divided into the kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wu. With the founding of the Eastern Jin dynasty, however, the term "the People of Wu," which evoked strong memories of the erstwhile Kingdom of Wu, disappears completely from our historical records: the use of the term had become taboo. This paper explores the ramifications of the different ways of referring to the residents of the Jiangnan region. Its purview includes not only the period leading up to the Eastern Jin dynasty, but also the various dynasties that came afterwards. It notes, for instance, that a third term, "the Children of Wu," is frequently used in the poetry and prose of the Sui and Tang dynasties to refer to "southerners." These changes in nomenclature imply a complicated socio-political scenario; and yet, attempts by historians to document and explain these changes have been few and far between. The present study attempts toremedy the situation. It is a comprehensive examination of the use of the terms "the people of Wu" and "the people of the South" in our historical records. It investigates how these terms are closely associated with regional identity. It also considers the historical significance of the change in names during the Six Dynasties period.