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隨著時代的進步以及社會結構的改變,女性意識抬頭,越來越多女性開始進入職場。這樣的轉變使得現代女性大多都在工作、家庭以及社會的舞臺上不斷轉換角色。本研究想藉由調查臺北市不同背景之女性,在參與休閒運動的感受利益、參與動機上是否存在差異,以及兩者之間是否有相互影響的關係,並了解目前臺北市的女性大多從事哪些類型的休閒運動。本研究使用問卷調查的方式,以單因子變異數分析以及雪費法進行分析比較,獲得研究結果如下: 一、 臺北市女性會因為不同的年齡、教育程度、職業、婚姻以及子女數的不同,在參與休閒運動後的感受利益上,有顯著的差異,然而薪資收入的高低則沒有明顯的影響她們在參與後的感受利益。 二、 臺北市女性會因為不同的年齡、教育程度、職業、婚姻以及子女數的不同,在參與休閒運動的參與動機上,有顯著的差異,然而薪資收入的高低在她們的參與動機上沒有顯著的差異。 三、 臺北市女性的休閒運動感受利益與參與動機之間是存在正向相關,所以參與休閒運動後的感受利益,對參與動機產生正向的影響。 四、 臺北市女性目前較常從事的休閒運動類型,前三名依序為消費購物型、一般休閒型以及家庭親子型。
Along with the advance of era, the change of the social structure, and the awakening of feminist consciousness, the ratio of female employment is increased. These changes make the modern women constantly switch roles among the stage of work, family, and society. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the motivation and the benefits of the female recreational sport participation among the different backgrounds in Taipei city, and to understanding which kind or types of recreational sport. This research used questionnaire survey, and the data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Scheffe’s posterior comparison. The results showed: 1. Female recreational sport participants in Taipei city had significant different leisure benefits among different age, education level, career, marriage, and children number, but no significant difference was observed in the level of salary. 2. Female recreational sport participants in Taipei city had significant different participation motivation among different age, education level, career, marriage, and children number, but no significant difference was observed in the level of salary. 3. Female recreational sport participants in Taipei city had a positive correlation between leisure benefits and participation motivation. 4.Female recreational sport participation in Taiwan currently engaged sequentially in consumer shopping activity, general leisure activity and family activity.



女性休閒運動類型, 參與動機, 感受利益, recreational sport participation, motivation, benefit

