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本文旨在譯介現代英國/紐西蘭女作家凱瑟琳.曼斯菲爾德(Katherine Mansfield)兩篇重要的短篇小說:〈序曲〉(“Prelude”)與〈在海灣〉(“At The Bay”)。論文的架構主要可分成兩大部份:第一部份是導論,第二部份是譯文與譯註。 導論細分五節。第一節概述曼斯菲爾德(下文簡稱曼氏)的生平與著作。第二節綜述曼氏的小說藝術、地位、影響等文史資料,進而略述其小說特色及翻譯所可能遇到的問題;為了方便說明,文中酌引名篇〈花園宴會〉(“The Garden Party”)為例,討論各家(徐志摩,馮鍾璞,謝瑤玲)譯文得失,並嘗試提供解決方案。 第三節討論曼氏作品的中譯概況,分別介紹少數幾本譯作及其特色、得失。第四節簡述〈序曲〉與〈在海灣〉兩篇小說的內容大意,背景資料及筆者選譯這兩篇小說的原因。第五節討論曼氏與翻譯的關係,最後以我的譯後感言總結全文。 論文的第二部份是〈序曲〉和〈在海灣〉兩篇小說的中譯與譯註。譯文力求準確,流暢;翻譯過程遇到的細節問題,例如小自一字一詞的考證與翻譯,大至文史社會的淵源脈絡,凡此種種皆採隨譯隨註的方式,列在每頁譯文頁尾,是為譯註。
The goals of this thesis are to introduce the modern English/New Zealand woman writer Katherine Mansfield (1888–1923 ) to Chinese readers and to offer a complete translation of her two most sophisticated short stories, “Prelude” and “At the Bay”. To reach the goals, this thesis is then divided into two parts: an introduction to the writer and her arts and a translation of the above mentioned stories. The introduction consists of five chapters. The first chapter reviews Katherine Mansfield’s life and work. The next examines certain historical facts concerning her arts, her position in the history of English short fiction and her profound influences on her friend the writer Virginal Woolf and many other twentieth-century short story writers. The chapter continues to explore Mansfield’s innovations in fiction such as emphasis on the psychological “moment”, multi-personal perspective, and interior monologue. These techniques pose many difficulties for both her readers as well as her translators. I quoted several passages from “The Garden Party”, one of her famous stories, along with theirs Chinese translations by Xu Zhimo(徐志摩), Feng Zongpu(馮鍾璞), and Xie Yiaoling(謝瑤玲) as illustrations to show where these difficulties lie. Related translation difficulties are discussed, and tentative solutions are subsequently provided in the same chapter. The third chapter briefly surveys the Mansfieldian translation in the Chinese public on a book-by-book basis. In chapter four the contents of “Prelude” and “At the Bay” are described, so as the motive for my translation of the two stories. Mansfield and her relation with translation and my suggestions derived form the translation process are the subject of chapter five. The second part of this thesis is a complete translation of “Prelude”, “At the Bay”, and theirs annotations. In the action of translating from English to Chinese for this thesis, a principle of accuracy and comprehensibility is painstakingly followed. As for the numerous details encountered during the translation process such as the rendition of a certain word, phrase, sentence, literary anecdote, historical fact, and social phenomenon are annotated accordingly, in the hope that these annotations might help Mansfield’s Chinese readers fully appreciate and understand her work.



曼斯菲爾德, 序曲, 在海灣, 短篇小說





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