

本研究採多元質性研究方法,探討學校本位自然科實習輔導計劃的成效。研究中邀請台北市區一所小型班群式學校參與,對該校三年級三位自然實習輔導教師、三位實習教師、校長及師資培育大學兩位教授所組成的實習輔導團體,分別使用課室觀察、會議記錄及小故事訪談的方式,探討此計畫對實習教師、實習輔導教師、實習學校的影響。其中課室觀察使用STAM-Sci作為分析教學表現之架構,會議紀錄按文獻中所提的實習輔導教師輔導策略編碼後做質性分析,小故事訪談使用敘說探究之類別-內容方式分析。研究資料指出本計劃:一、對實習教師的影響:(一)學會使用兒童語言呈現難易適中的教材,(二)學會運用引起動機的技巧,(三)學習進行探究式教學,(四)加深自然學科知識了解,(五)使用正回饋經營班級學習氣氛,(六)學習使用問答技巧和課程內容重點融入,(七)學習使用活潑、節奏明快的教學步調,(八)藉由共同教學進行教學驗證,(九)獨立教學機會。二、對實習輔導教師的影響:(一)開放教學現場,促進共同輔導趨勢,(二)提供與實習教師雙向互動管道,提升班級經營品質,(三)增加與其他輔導教師交流機會,(四)重新審視自我教學特點並反省教學,(五)建立co-teaching模式,(六)與實習教師產生正向感情支持,(七)汲取其他教師的教學經驗與活動,改善自我教學,(八)增進與導師之間的互動。三、實習輔導計畫策略成效:(一)組成教師學習社群,促成互動省思教學,(二)帶入導師、行政及研究資源,協助教師辯證觀看教學的視野,(三)帶入當前師資培育及專業成長之議題,釐清師資培育機構與實習學校合作的新契機,(四)教學、行政、研究三方人力集思廣益,共同探尋如何進一步落實專業發展學校之理念。 依據研究結果研究者得到以下五點結論:一、本自然科實習輔導計畫幫助實習教師從三位自然輔導教師教學優勢中尋找合適的學習典範,增強對學科知識、教材教法與班級經營的實力,並獲得自然科獨立教學與檢討教學的機會。二、本自然科實習輔導計畫幫助自然輔導教師建立與輔導教師和實習指導教授之間的連結,獲得取得新知管道和開放教學現場接受批判的機會,並與實習教師形成共同教學、感情支持的助力。三、本自然科實習輔導計畫協助學校提升校內自然教師的教學品質、培育實習教師的實力。四、本實習輔導計畫推動宜鎖定於小型國民小學,營造開放而全校總動員的氣氛,並配合專業發展學校與專業輔導教師的認證進行。五、本實習輔導計畫成效良好,對於實習教師與自然輔導教師專業成長均有助益,唯班導師與本計畫的連結出現斷層,為不可避免之人力因素。
This research applied multiple qualitative techniques to explore the effects of a school-based mentoring program. Three science mentors, three student teachers of the third grade, and the principal in a small urban school in Taipei and two professors of teacher education institutes were invited to participate. Classroom observations, meeting records, and interviews about teaching vignettes were collected and analyzed to generate the program’s impacts on student teachers, mentors, and the mentoring school. STAM-Sci was used to describe the participant teachers’ teaching performance. The mentors’ guidance strategies in the meeting records were coded before doing further qualitative analysis. Mentors’ responses to teaching vignettes were analyzed by category-content of narrative analysis. The results revealed that the program facilitates student teachers in: (1)learning to use children’s language to present teaching materials, (2)learning to use motivation strategies, (3)learning to carry on inquiry teaching approaches, (4)understanding science content knowledge, (5)using positive feedbacks to manage classroom learning environment, (6)learning to use questioning skills and focus on core science content, (7)adjusting to lively and rhythmic teaching steps, (8)carrying on and learning from co-teaching, and (9)gaining opportunities to teach independently, and encourages mentors to: (1)practice coaching, (2)increase interaction with student teachers and enhance quality of classroom management, (3)exchange experiences with other mentors more frequently, (4)reflect upon teaching performances, (5)establish co-teaching patterns, (6)build positive emotional support to student teachers, (7)learn from peer teachers’ teaching practice, and (8)promote interaction with homeroom teachers. This program was effective in: (1)establishing teacher learning community, and facilitating teacher interaction toward reflecting on teaching, (2)bringing in administrative and research resources, and leading to extended teaching vision, (3)raising issues in teacher professional development, and clarifying new turning points of school-university cooperation, and (4)bringing together manpower in teaching, administration, and research to brainstorm about ways to enact professional development schools. Based on the findings, five conclusions are generated. First, the school-based mentoring program helps student teacher to seek for appropriate teaching models from science mentors, strengthens their competences in disciplinary knowledge, instructional skills and classroom management, and obtains more science teaching and reflection opportunities. Second, the program helps mentors in establishing linkage between mentors and science educators, obtaining opportunities to learn current issues, to accept critique, and to co-teach and support each others. Third, the program assists in promoting quality teaching and competences of teachers in training interns, and moving the school toward authentication of professional development school. Fourth, the program could be suitably for small elementary schools in practicing whole school professional development and exemplifying authentication of professional development school and professional mentors. Fifth, the program has positive effects on all participant teachers, but lacking linkage with homeroom teachers is recognized as an inevitable manpower factor.



實習輔導計畫, 輔導教師, 實習教師, 專業成長, mentoring program, mentor, student teacher, professional development

