應用Google Analytics 於顧客趨勢之大數據分析-以百貨公司為例
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有鑑於個案公司為區域型百貨,正面臨來自於同區域其他競爭對手的猛烈攻勢外,更有來自於無國界的網路電子商務搶走只為尋求方便、迅速取貨的顧客,為了開發新客源與尋求對症下藥的行銷活動與商品企劃,本研究利用Google Analytics大數據的網路流量分析工具,進行與個案公司所發行之會員集點卡做人口統計變數中性別,年齡比對,確認Google Analytics所蒐集的資訊為一般實體店鋪無法獲得的極重要情報,因而再進一步分析探討其他可使用之功能。
If enterprises desire sustainable development, we must continue to maintain a competitive edge, especially the department store industry. Because this case is a regional-based department store, it is facing fierce attacks from other competitors in the same area. In addition, e-commerce take away the customers who seek easy and quickly pick-up survice. In order to develop new customers and find the appropriate marketing activities and product planning, this study use Google Analytics to compare the population structure of membership card and the data seize from Google Analytics. Therefore, this study futher utilize the result to discuss other available orientation. Expected that the recommendation this study presented will benefit the marketing activities of the department stores case, and help the business develop new markets in the future. Keyword: Consumer Behavior, Google Analytics, E-commerce, Network Traffic
If enterprises desire sustainable development, we must continue to maintain a competitive edge, especially the department store industry. Because this case is a regional-based department store, it is facing fierce attacks from other competitors in the same area. In addition, e-commerce take away the customers who seek easy and quickly pick-up survice. In order to develop new customers and find the appropriate marketing activities and product planning, this study use Google Analytics to compare the population structure of membership card and the data seize from Google Analytics. Therefore, this study futher utilize the result to discuss other available orientation. Expected that the recommendation this study presented will benefit the marketing activities of the department stores case, and help the business develop new markets in the future. Keyword: Consumer Behavior, Google Analytics, E-commerce, Network Traffic
Google Analytics, 網路流量, 消費者行為, 電子商務, Google Analytics, Network Traffic, Comsummer Behavior, E-commerce