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個體透過社會化習得整個社會角色的形式,而運動社會化過程乃透過運動社會化媒介所傳播之互動訊息,使個體內化後在心智、思考與行為等方面獲得新的成長。運動社會化是女性進入職棒場域成為職棒女性球迷其中一環,球隊認同為職棒女性球迷對於球隊關心或注重程度的表現,將球隊視為和自身有關聯性,且會因為球隊而得到自我尊重、歸屬感和自我價值。本研究旨在探討職棒女性球迷之運動社會化與球隊認同的關係,並選擇至少一年有至桃園青埔國際棒球場現場觀看比賽的Lamigo Monkeys桃猿隊女性球迷為研究對象,透過深度訪談法得有效樣本7人,瞭解女性球迷在職業棒球之運動社會化、球隊認同之影響,研究結論如下: (一) 女性的運動社會化導入職棒深受其個人特質、重要他人與社會化情境影響,且此三個因素的關係是交互影響而密不可分的,最後開啟女性開始觀賞職棒的契機。 (二) 使職棒女性球迷產生球隊認同的因素離不開運動社會化的影響,且球隊認同為職棒女性球迷持續不斷支持球隊的因素。 (三) 成為職棒球迷後的社會化對於女性來說,不論是對於其生活圈互動的改變,或是職棒成為了重要的休閒活動,更是讓她們的內心改變與成長的原因。本研究建議職棒球團能掌握女性球迷運動社會化之因素,增加女性球迷對球隊之認同感,對於增加球迷與永續經營將有所幫助。
Individuals acquire the knowledge of different social roles through socialization. During sport socialization, individuals internalize the information conveyed by sport media and become more sophisticated in terms of their mind, thoughts, and behaviors. Sport socialization makes females the fans of the Professional Baseball League. Team identification is the degree to which females fans care about the teams. They gain self-respect, loyalty, and self-esteem from the team. The purpose of this study is to discuss the relation between the female fans’ sport socialization and their team identification. The subjects on which in-depth interviews are conducted are selected from the female fans of team Lamigo Monkeys who have watched a live baseball game at Taoyuan International Baseball Stadium, and 7 valid samples are collected. The conclusions are as follows. (1) Females’ socialization into sport is influenced by their personal qualities, significant other, and context of socialization, and a close relation is found among the three factors. (2) The factors that make female fans identify themselves with the sport teams are related to sport socialization, and team identification is the factor that makes female fans to continue to support the teams. (3) After the females become fans of professional baseball, socialization gives rise to the changes in their daily life, makes professional baseball games one of their important pastimes, and contributes to the changes and growth of their mind. This study suggests that professional teams understand the factors that result in female fan’s sport socialization to raise female fans’ team identification.
Individuals acquire the knowledge of different social roles through socialization. During sport socialization, individuals internalize the information conveyed by sport media and become more sophisticated in terms of their mind, thoughts, and behaviors. Sport socialization makes females the fans of the Professional Baseball League. Team identification is the degree to which females fans care about the teams. They gain self-respect, loyalty, and self-esteem from the team. The purpose of this study is to discuss the relation between the female fans’ sport socialization and their team identification. The subjects on which in-depth interviews are conducted are selected from the female fans of team Lamigo Monkeys who have watched a live baseball game at Taoyuan International Baseball Stadium, and 7 valid samples are collected. The conclusions are as follows. (1) Females’ socialization into sport is influenced by their personal qualities, significant other, and context of socialization, and a close relation is found among the three factors. (2) The factors that make female fans identify themselves with the sport teams are related to sport socialization, and team identification is the factor that makes female fans to continue to support the teams. (3) After the females become fans of professional baseball, socialization gives rise to the changes in their daily life, makes professional baseball games one of their important pastimes, and contributes to the changes and growth of their mind. This study suggests that professional teams understand the factors that result in female fan’s sport socialization to raise female fans’ team identification.
運動社會化, 職棒女性球迷, 認同, Socialization, Female Fans of the Professional Baseball League, Identification