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工作輪調是相當進步的生涯發展策略,它是一種主動積極地用來擴展工作經驗的方法。許多研究報告指出,工作輪調能為組織帶來諸多利益,早期的輪調是為了解決枯燥乏味一成不變的工作帶來職業疲乏,與長期從事同一工作而造成的傷害;Jaime Ortega(2001)認為工作輪調的其中一個效益在於可以把它當成是一種重要學習機制,透過工作轉換的經驗中學習並獲得不同的知識與技能,使「專才」變「通才」(詹雅雯 2007)。所謂「經驗是最佳的學習」,工作輪調可以增加歷鍊的機會,也是培訓人才的方法之一,且輪調亦可減少訓練成本,使工作豐富化(Job Enrichment)、員工之間的替代性增高、讓管理者更能有效地彈性調度每一位員工(陳淑貞 2011)。透由職務輪調可避免組織僵化,提升人力彈性運用(詹雅雯 2007)。亦可提供上司對員工作廣泛評估的機會(De Cenzo& Robbin, 2006)。 對員工個人而言,透過職務輪調,可改善個人專業知識與技能,使其能力再延伸,並在不同的工作環境中成長。對組織而言,輪調的優點在於興利和除弊,並且可以培養未來領導幹部,主管必須對下屬的工作有所瞭解,才不會被看做是外行領導內行,而高階主管必須經過輪調的歷鍊,才能被賦予重任。輪調還可為組織帶來新的創意,畢竟一個人在同樣位置久了,會出現行動慣性,不合理的事情都視為理所當然,而輪調正可以把這些不合理的現象消除,因為新官没有包袱,更方便改善流程,矯正原有的弊端與心態。 本研究以國內空調代理商HT公司為研究對象,以深入訪談方式,對該公司有輪調經驗之員工,就其輪調經驗提出看法,目的在了解影響HT公司輪調計劃的個人因素與組織因素,及影響該公司輪調效益的因素。 經分析訪談內容,本研究得出以下結論:1.「輪調意願」及「輪調頻率」是影響輪調的個人因素;2.影響輪調的組織因素有:「對輪調制度的明確度」、「對輪調制度的定位度」、「提供訓練的支持度」、「工作性質的差異度」。 關鍵字:工作輪調、輪調意願、輪調頻率、輪調效益
Abstract Job rotation is a progressive career development strategy, which is a proactive method to extend work experience. Many studies indicate that job rotation can bring various benefits to the organization. Early job rotation was meant to ease chronic fatigue caused by tedious and repetitive work and in turn minimize job-related injuries. Jaime Ortega (2001) contends that one of the benefits of job rotation is that it provides an important learning mechanism. To be more specific, the experience of rotating from one job to another allows an employee to acquire different knowledge and skills and converts a “specialist” to a “generalist”. As “experience is the best teacher,” job rotation optimizes an employee’s working experience and serves as an effective way of personnel training. Job rotation can not only reduce training costs, but also enhance job enrichment. It boosts the substitutability among employees and allows managers to more effectively dispatch workforce. Job rotation can stop an organization from turning rigid, and ensure flexible utilization of human resources (Ya-Wen Chan, 2007). Moreover, it offers the supervisors a chance to make a comprehensive evaluation of the employees. For the employees, job rotation can improve their professional knowledge and skills, expand their capacity, and help them grow in different work environments. For the organizations, job rotation can induce a positive reform and contributes to developing future cadres. Managers should be familiar with the work of the subordinates so that they will not be seen as layman leading the experts. In light of this, top managers should undergo job rotation before they can be entrusted with bigger tasks. Furthermore, job rotation can bring new ideas to an organization. After all, when people stays in the same position for a long time, they tend to lapse into inertia, taking what is unreasonable for granted. Job rotation works to rectify this flaw. With new managers in post, it is more convenient to improve the bureaucracy and eradicate previous shortcomings. This study centers on the domestic air-conditioning agent HT Corporation. Through in-depth interviews with HT employees who have job rotation experiences, this study intends to find out personal and organizational factors affecting the job rotation project in HT, and investigate how they breed different benefits. After analyzing the interviews, this study reaches the following conclusions: 1. “Rotation interest” and “rotation rate” are two personal factors in an individual’s choice to rotate. 2. Organizational factors affecting job rotation are: “the specificity of the rotation system,” “the extent to which the rotation system is used to develop enterprise human resources,” “the extent to which the rotation system provides employee training,” “the differentiality of the work content.” Keywords: Job Rotation, Rotation Interest, Rotation Rate, Benefits of Job Rotation



工作輪調, 輪調意願, 輪調頻率, 輪調效益, Job Rotation, Rotation Interest, Rotation Rate, Benefits of Job Rotation





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