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本研究旨在瞭解原國民中學童軍、家政、輔導教師對新課程綜合活動的反應,以及綜合活動對這三科教師教學帶來的影響、教師角色定位,並探討綜合領域實施後,這三科教師的成長,以及轉變到綜合活動教師的歷程。 研究方法採取質性研究中紮根理論研究法,以半結構式訪談為蒐集資料主要方法,所使用的研究工具包括訪談大綱、訪談同意書、研究者札記、訪談內容以及訪談錄音設備等。本研究選擇的研究參與者採立意取樣,根據研究目的擬定研究參與者的三項標準:一、研究參與者於90學年之前已經擔任國民中學童軍、家政或輔導教學工作;二、研究參與者現在擔任國中綜合活動學習領域教學工作;三、研究參與者為臺北市國中綜合活動輔導團團員。因此邀請適合對象參與本研究,共邀請9位符合上述條件的研究參與者參與研究。 本研究發現如下: 一、教師面對課程改革的態度多持正面思考。 二、教師在教學上的改變大多能掌握綜合活動領域內涵精神。 三、教改對教師賦權的特徵在教材內容上特別明顯。 四、沉重的備課負擔是每一位研究參與的共同心聲。 五、根據學生個別差異採取適性、多元評量但仍有增能空間。 六、教師獲得重新定位角色的契機。 七、教師成長不限於個人教學精進、影響力提升,教學團隊是關鍵影響。 最終研究者依據研究結果針對後續研究及實務提出建議。
This study aims to understand how the scouts training teachers, home economics teachers, and counseling teachers respond to the new curriculum of intergrative activities. It also studies the influence that the curriculum causes upon the teachers, focusing on their orientation of teacher roles. It examines the process how the teachers from the three areas grow and adjust themselves into the teaching of intergrative activities. This study adopts the method of grounded theory in qualitative research. The research data is mainly collected through semi-structured interview. The used research tools include the interview guide, aggreement of interviews, the researcher’s notes, the content of interviews, and recording facilities. According to the research purposes, this study adopts purposeful sampling and selects three groups of interviewees: first, the teachers that started teaching scout-training, home economics, or counseling before the school year of ninety. Second, the current teachers of integrative activities in junior high school. Third, the teachers that belong to the Compulsory Education Advisory Group of Intergrative Activities. Through a selectction based on the above sampling, nine interviewees are invited to participate this research. The conclusion of this research is: First, teachers hold positive attitudes to curriculum reform. Second, teachers make changes in teaching that match the ideal guidlines of Integrative Activities. Third, education reform particularly empowers the teachers in changing the contents of teaching materials. Fourth, each interviewees commonly report their preparation of teaching to be heavy burdons. Fifth, teachers should be empowered to give adaptive and diversive evaluation according to the individual differences among students. Sixth, teachers are given chances to redefine their roles of teaching. Seventh, the improvements of teaching are not limited in teachers as individuals but as a team. Finally, according the research result, this study proposes suggestion for follow-up researches and teaching in an real classroom.



綜合活動領域, 教師角色, 紮根理論, Learning Area of Integrative Activities, Teacher Roles, Grounded Theory





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