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回饋雖於筆譯學習中扮演重要的角色,然而目前翻譯研究領域仍缺乏相關之探討。因此,本研究實際蒐集英翻中與中翻英課堂之學生作業,以Flanagan和Heine(2015)所提出之筆譯回饋類型針對學生所收到的教師與同儕回饋進行分類,並以質性分析方法,試圖探討教師與同儕回饋於類型和實際內容之差異,以及英譯中與中譯英兩種課堂類型之回饋差異。本研究亦針對兩門課之12名學生進行半結構式訪談,以探討其使用和接收教師與同儕回饋之經驗、感受,兩種回饋類型所帶來的幫助,以及學生對於兩種回饋類型的看法。研究結果顯示,教師往往比學生提供數量更多、內容更詳細的回饋,且經常會提供學生正確或較佳的譯文範例,以及與翻譯文本相關的領域知識。而教師也較常使用問題(question)類型的回饋,以了解學生進行翻譯時的想法。而相較於英譯中,中譯英課堂較缺乏鼓勵型回饋(motivational feedback),且回饋內容多為針對譯文用字、文法、句構等方面的指示型建議(directive suggestion)。英譯中之回饋則多針對領域知識和譯文選詞。最後,大部分學生皆表示教師回饋的幫助較大,但同儕回饋亦為筆譯學習中不可或缺的一部分。總結而言,本研究希望能透過分析回饋內容與學生看法,提供筆譯教師教學上的參考,並幫助學生於學習過程中進行反思。
Although feedback plays a crucial role in translation learning, relevant research is still scant in translation studies. Therefore, this research aims to explore the difference between teacher feedback and peer feedback in terms of types and content by using the feedback types proposed by Flanagan and Heine (2015) and qualitative analysis. This research also aims to explore the difference between feedback in Chinese-to-English translation class and English-to-Chinese translation class. Moreover, for the purpose of understanding students’views on feedback, the researcher carried out semi-structured interviews to examine students’ experience of receiving and offering feedback, and their perspectives. Results of this study showed that compared with peers, teachers usually offer more feedback with detailed explanation. Also, teachers tend to provide alternative or better versions of translation and more domain knowledge to students. In terms of types, teachers use questions more frequently to understand students’ thoughts while they were translating. In Chinese-to-English translation class, more directive suggestions were used in order to correct students’ word choice, grammar, and sentence structure. Also, compared with English-to-Chinese class, motivational feedback is rarely seen in Chinese-to-English class. In English-to-Chinese translation class, most feedback focuses students’ domain knowledge and word choice. Finally, most of the students think that teacher feedback is more helpful than peer feedback. However, they also agree that peer feedback is also essential in translation learning. To conclude, the findings of this study can hopefully improve the quality of translation teaching, and help students understand their process of learning.



筆譯教學, 筆譯回饋, 翻譯評量, 教師回饋, 同儕回饋, translation training, feedback, translation assessment, teacher feedback, peer feedback





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