

本論文以描述翻譯研究(Descriptive Translation Studies/DTS)的「多元系統理論」(The Polysystem Theory)及「翻譯規範」(Translation Norms)為基礎,探討五十餘年來美國作家梭羅(Henry David Thoreau)的散文集《湖濱散記》(Walden)的中文翻譯概況,透過翻譯文學在文學多元系統中的地位轉變,了解不同時期譯者的價值取向及翻譯策略。 本研究以中文翻譯文學的地位演變為論述基礎,以《湖濱散記》的中譯本為例,從譯者的「翻譯價值取向」及「翻譯策略」兩方面探討《湖濱散記》的中譯概況及發展趨勢。中文翻譯文學在文學多元系統的地位,由20到40年代的中心位置(中國文學多元系統),50到60年代的邊陲位置(台灣文學多元系統),70年代,翻譯文學提升到中心位置,到80年代以後,漸往系統邊陲移動。以《湖濱散記》的中譯本為例,40到80年代初期的譯本傾向「充分性」的價值,採用逐字逐句的「直譯」方式,句法、詞序悉照原文;80年代中期以後的譯本傾向「可接受性」的價值,句法和詞序較符合中文的表達方式,採用較具彈性的「意譯」方式。就翻譯策略而言,40到80年代的譯本多採用「全譯」或「節譯」的策略,但以「全譯」最為普遍,「全譯本」形式的譯本也較多;90年代以後,「節譯」逐漸成為主要的翻譯策略,「節譯本」亦為重要的文本類型。近年來,則有融入譯者個人創作,搭配中文常見語彙的「改譯本」問世。
This thesis is constructed upon “The Polysystem Theory” and “Translation Norms” from Descriptive Translation Studies and reviews the Chinese translations of the selection of prose-style works, Walden, by the American writer, Henry David Thoreau in the past fifty years. The research attempts to understand the translators’ translation tendencies and strategies in different periods. The research is based upon the changes of the positions of Chinese translated literature. Taking the translations of Walden for example, the thesis reviews its Chinese translation and developments in terms of “translation tendencies” and “translation strategies”. Speaking of the position of Chinese translated literature in the literary polysystem, it is in central position in Mainland China during the period from 1920s to 1940s; however, it moves to peripheral position in Taiwan during the period from 1950s to 1960s. In 1970s, translated literature is promoted to central position. Since 1980s, it has gradually gone toward peripheral position. With respect to translation tendency, the translations of Walden during the period from 1940s to the early 1980s show the tendency toward “adequacy”, adopting the word-for-word “literal translation” in which the syntax and word order follow the text. The translations of Walden since the middle of 1980s have shown the tendency toward “acceptability”, adopting more flexible “free translation” in which the syntax and word order meet Chinese expressions. In terms of translation strategies, the translations during the period from 1940s and 1980s adopt “full translation” or “excerpt translation”; however, the former is more common than the latter. The translation version in “full translation” is the dominant form of translated texts. Since 1990s, “excerpt translation” has gradually become the main translation strategy. The translation version in “excerpt translation” is also an important form of translated texts. In recent years, the translation version in “paraphrased translation”, containing translators’ personal writings with Chinese common terms, has been published.



翻譯文學, 多元系統, 翻譯規範, 翻譯策略, 梭羅, 湖濱散記, 華爾騰, translated literature, polysystem, translation norms, translation strategy, Henry David Thoreau, Walden





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