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In recent years, the unification of traditional and virtual distribution channels is the main discussion among businesses. And business management are aware that the facts of unifications are vital important in the e-generation. In reality, not every unifications or any efforts may be successful. This study focuses on three aspects of the unification of traditional and virtual distribution channels: Innovation, Multi-channel distribution, and Development of new markets; and further discusses of their impact on key factors as added value differentiation, lower costs and increase market shares of jewelry business. The research method is based on gathering and studying information and data, in person interviews, and case studies.The main source of statistics and data is documents and records of interviews. In-person interviews are focused on the impact of virtual distribution and the unification of both traditional and virtual distribution channels in jewelry business. The case studies are further analyzed to find out the key factors of success as the differences of traditional and virtual distribution channels and in unification of the distribution channels. The goal of this study is to provide solutions to jewelry business in order to raise competitiveness as a whole.
In recent years, the unification of traditional and virtual distribution channels is the main discussion among businesses. And business management are aware that the facts of unifications are vital important in the e-generation. In reality, not every unifications or any efforts may be successful. This study focuses on three aspects of the unification of traditional and virtual distribution channels: Innovation, Multi-channel distribution, and Development of new markets; and further discusses of their impact on key factors as added value differentiation, lower costs and increase market shares of jewelry business. The research method is based on gathering and studying information and data, in person interviews, and case studies.The main source of statistics and data is documents and records of interviews. In-person interviews are focused on the impact of virtual distribution and the unification of both traditional and virtual distribution channels in jewelry business. The case studies are further analyzed to find out the key factors of success as the differences of traditional and virtual distribution channels and in unification of the distribution channels. The goal of this study is to provide solutions to jewelry business in order to raise competitiveness as a whole.
實虛整合, 商業模式, 電子商務, 網路行銷, 多通路行銷, Unifying traditional and virtual distribution channels, Business model, Electronic business, Internet sales, Multi-channel sales